2nd Grade Behavior Expectations

Classroom Behavior Expectations

Second grade students are expected to be leaders at Mound Elementary. Students will be respectful, responsible, and kind! We understand that every student and situation is different. Problems are dealt with as they arise with the focus on enabling the students to grow and learn from their actions. Rewards and consequences will be given as appropriate. Behavior concerns will be communicated through phone calls, email, or Class Dojo messages.

My Behavior Incentive

In my classroom, I do tickets. At the beginning of each day, students receive 3 tickets. Throughout the day, tickets are taken from students that are not following the classroom expectations. At the end of the day, any tickets that the students have left are put in a bucket for a drawing on Friday. In addition, tickets left at the end of the day equal points in Dojo.

3 tickets left = 3 points = An Excellent Day

2 tickets left = 2 points = A Good Day

1 ticket left = 1 point = An Ok Day

0 tickets left = 0 points = A Rough Day

At the end of each six weeks, the students are able to "spend" all of the points that they earned like money in my Dojo Store. You can see what your student's day was like and how many points he/she earned in your Dojo app.

School Wide Behavior Expectations