Introduction to Theatre

“I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.”

–Oscar Wilde

Introto Theatre is the first class to take if you plan on taking any other theatre classes- it is a prerequisite to all other theatre classes.

This class focuses on the basics of theatre and what you need to know to both appreciate theatre as an observer as well as what goes on into putting on a play as a designer/performer. We will also work on developing your own skills and talents in both design and acting so that if you do indeed decide to work on shows here at BHS or elsewhere, you will have the basic skills you need to contribute to a successful production.

Major Topics

  • Theatre and Storytelling
  • Parts of the Theater/Stage
  • How to Read a Script
  • Theatre History
  • Tech/Design Basics
  • Acting Basics