Tanya Calvey


Psychedelic therapy for substance use disorders- insights from human and rodent studies


Psychedelics have anti-additive properties and are used to treat alcohol, opioid and nicotine use disorders amongst others. The anti-addictive properties of psychedelics teach us a lot about the neuroscience of substance use disorders. In my talk I will discuss human neuroimaging and rodent neuropsychopharmacological research into ibogaine and 5-MeO-DMT and how these substances affect the serotonergic and glutamatergic systems, in turn affecting hippocampal function and cerebral blood flow.


Tanya Calvey has a Ph.D. in evolutionary neuroscience and is a senior lecturer in the School of Anatomical Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand. Tanya researches translational neuropsychopharmacology and addiction medicine. She integrates human neuroimaging, molecular biology and neurohistology findings from her lab to guide her research in the field of drug treatment and prevention policy.