
Konoeda, K. (2024). Identities of (in-)competence and plurilingual repertoires: Three stories of digital storytelling in a Japanese language classroom. To be included in N. M. Doerr (Ed.) The politics of “incompetence”: Learning language, relations of power, and daily resistance (pp. 49-80). Rowman & Littlefield.

Konoeda. K. (in press). “My world has expanded”: students’ counter meta-standardization in language courses. To be included in N. M. Doerr (Ed.) Counter standardization and post unit-thinking: explorations. "Contribution to the Sociology of Language" series. De Gruyter.

Konoeda, K. (2021). コース成績の評価法を考える―多様な目標を持つ学生の学びのために [Rethinking course grade assessment methods for students with diverse learning goals]. The Proceedings for the 26th Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum (pp. 137-146).

Konoeda, K. (2020). 日本語を使って、地域に学び、貢献する試み [Learning from and serving the local community using Japanese language]. Proceedings of the 28th Central Association of Teachers of Japanese Conference (pp. 137-146).

Konoeda, K. (2019). コミュニケーションの「デザイン者」をめざしてー「デザイン」概念に根ざしたデジタル・ストーリーテリング実践 [Becoming "designers" of communication: Digital storytelling in language classroom grounded in "design" construct]. In S. Sato (Ed.) コミュニケーションとは何か:ポスト・コミュニカティブ・アプローチ [What is communication?: Post-communicative approach] くろしお出版.

Konoeda, K. (2019). 絵本を通して沖縄を見る:中級日本語コースで日本の多様性を考える試み [Seeing Okinawa through picture books: An attempt to discuss Japan’s diversity in an intermediate Japanese language course]. The Proceedings for the 25th Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum (pp. 245-256).

Konoeda, K. (2018). 「日本人って誰?」:日本語コースで多様性を批判的に読む試み ["Who is Japanese?": An attempt to critically read diversity in a Japanese course]. The Proceedings for the 24th Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum (pp. 263-274).

Nishimata (Fukai), M., Kumagai, Y., Sato, S., & Konoeda, K. (2016). 日本語で社会とつながろう!社会参加をめざす日本語教育の活動集 [Let’s connect with societies! Collection of Japanese language education activities that aims social participation]. Coco Shuppan, Tokyo, Japan.

Konoeda, K. (2016). Critical literacy and identities in world language education: Telling reflective stories of digital storytelling (Doctoral dissertation).

Kumagai, Y., Konoeda, K., Nishimata, M. F., & Sato, S. (2015). Fostering multimodal literacies in the Japanese language classroom: Digital video projects, in Y. Kumagai, A. López-Sánchez, S. Wu (Eds.) Multiliteracies in world languages education. Routledge, New York.

Konoeda, K. (2014). 「対話」としてのマルチメディア制作 [Multimedia production as "dialogue"]. The Proceedings for the 21st Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum.

Konoeda, K. (2013). マルチモードの「デザイン」、ポピュラーカルチャーと3Rー中級日本語クラスでのデジタルストーリーテリングを通してー[Multimodal ‘design’, popular culture and 3R: Analysis of a digital storytelling project in an intermediate Japanese-as-a-foreign-language classroom.] in S. Sato, & Y. Kumagai (Eds.) 異文化コミュニケーション能力を問う [Reconsidering intercultural communication competence in language education], Coco Shuppan, Tokyo, Japan.

Konoeda, K. (2012). Digital storytelling and creativity in Japanese language education: Analysis of a project in an intermediate Japanese-as-a-foreign-language classroom. Occasional Papers by the Association of Teachers of Japanese, 11, 13-30.

Konoeda, K. (2009). Review of Seeking the heart of teaching. Language Teaching Research, 13(2), 225-228.

Konoeda, K. (2008). Book Review: Critical "readings" of "standard" language and culture. Web-ban Literacies, 5(2),20-24.

Konoeda, K., & Watanabe, Y. (2008). Task-based critical pedagogy in Japanese EFL classrooms: Rationale, principles, and examples. In P. Miller (Ed.) ISLS Readings in Language Studies, Volume 1 (pp. 45-72), International Society for Language Studies.