
Konoeda, K. (2024). アイデンティティーから始める社会正義:米国大学中級コースでの実践 [Social Justice Starting with Identities: Practices in Intermediate Courses at a U.S. College.] International Conference on Japanese Language Education (ICJLE), August 2, 2024, in Madison, WI.

Noguchi, K., Tanabe, K., Okada, A., Mito, A., Konoeda, K., & Otsuka, S. (2024). 協働学習としてのリレー作文:ゼロ初級から中級レベルでの効果的な実践方法を考える [Relay Writing as Collaborative Learning: Effective Practices from Zero Beginner to Intermediate Levels]. International Conference on Japanese Language Education (ICJLE), August 1, 2024, in Madison, WI.

Konoeda, K. (2024). 学習者の裾野を広げるための初級コースを目指して [Toward a beginner course that broadens the base of learners]. Japanese Language Teachers’ Association of New England (JLTANE) 2024 conference, May 11, 2024, hosted by the Wesleyan University, CT and delivered virtually.

Konoeda, K. (2022). Course grade models to support language learning of diverse students. 2022 ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Convention, November 18, 2022, in Boston, MA.

Konoeda, K. (2021). コース成績の評価法を考える―多様な目標を持つ学生の学びのために [Rethinking course grade assessment methods for students with diverse learning goals]. Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum. May 8, 2021, Princeton, NJ and delivered virtually.

Konoeda, K. (2020). 教えることからの学び:地域社会への働きかけと振り返り [Learning through teaching: Community engagement and reflection]. The 28th Central Association of Teachers of Japanese Conference (CATJ 28), May 31, 2020, hosted by Macalester College, MN and delivered virtually.

Konoeda, K. (2019). Picture books to study diverse perspectives within the target culture. 2019 ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Convention, November 23, 2019, in Washington, DC.

Konoeda, K. (2019). Critical exploration of multicultural picturebooks on Japan as “windows” in first-year writing course. Asian Studies Conference in Japan. June 30, 2019, Saitama, Japan.

Konoeda, K. (2019). Okinawa through picture books: An attempt to explore Japan’s diversity in an intermediate Japanese language course. Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum. May 11, 2019, Princeton, NJ.

Konoeda, K. (2018). 日本の多様性の批判的な読みをめざしてーアメリカ大学日本語上級コースでの実践から [Towards critical reading of Japan's diversity: A report of Advanced Japanese course in the U.S.]. 第1回批判的言語教育国際シンポジウム [The First International Symposeum of Critical Language Education]. July 1, 2018, Tokyo, Japan.

Konoeda, K. (2018). 「日本人って誰?」:日本語コースで多様性を批判的に読む試み ["Who is Japanese?": An attempt to critically read diversity in a Japanese course]. Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum. May 12, 2018, Princeton, NJ.

Konoeda, K. (2018). "What was lying behind what we were learning:" Discussing diversity critically in foreign language classroom. AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting, April 17, 2018, New York, NY.

Konoeda, K. (2017). Identities, emotion, and investment in multilinguals' multimodal production: Contrastive case study. The 18th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA 2017), July 23, 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Konoeda, K. (2017). Identities and investment in foreign language multimodal production: Contrastive case study. AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting, April 30, 2017, San Antonio, TX.

Konoeda, K. (2017). "Designing" by multilingual users: Multilingual users' resources in multimodal composition. AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics) 2017 Conference, March 21, 2017, Portland, OR.

Konoeda, K., & Kumagai, Y. (2015). Telling transformative experiences in a world language. Sixth International Digital Storytelling Conference, September 26, 2015, Smith College, Northampton, MA.

Konoeda, K. (2015). Designing and storytelling positions: World language learners' positionings in digital and reflective narratives. AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics and Association)/CLA (Canadienne de Linguistique Appliquée) 2015 Conference, March 21, 2015, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Kumagai, Y., & Konoeda, K. (2015). “Figuring out what you don’t talk about”: Representing selves in multimodal digital storytelling in world language classroom. AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics and Association)/CLA (Canadienne de Linguistique Appliquée) 2015 Conference, March 21, 2015, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Kumagai, Y., & Konoeda, K. (2014). Critical multimodal literacies in world language education: Digital storytelling project. Digital Literacies in and beyond the L2 classroom symposeum, October 6-11, 2014, CERCLL (Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy), University of Arizona.

Konoeda, K. (2014). Multimodal storytelling as multiliterate practice: Critical analysis of digital storytelling in world language classroom. ISLS (The International Society for Language Studies) Conference, June 14, 2014 in Akita, Japan.

Konoeda, K. (2014). 「対話」としてのマルチメディア制作 [Multimedia production as "dialogue"]. The 21st Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum, May 10, 2014 in Princeton, NJ, USA.

Konoeda, K. (2014). Multimodal (re-)designing as a pedagogy about, through, and beyond Fukushima. AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting, April 6, 2014 in Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Konoeda, K. (2013). Critical multimodal literacies in a college world language classroom: Reading and writing digital stories. ISLS (The International Society for Language Studies) Conference, June 15, 2013 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Konoeda, K. (2012). Becoming a 'designer' of a project and own language learning: A case study of two semesters' digital storytelling projects. AAAL (The American Association for Applied Linguistics) Annual Conference, March 26, 2012 in Boston, MA.

Austin, T., Zhang, S., and Konoeda, K. (2011). Teaching Millenials: New literacies’ potential for authentic cultural membership. 2011 ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Convention, November 20, 2011, in Denver, CO.

Konoeda, K. (2010). Reading and writing multimedia in learning Japanese language: Intermediate-level postsecondary classroom. 2010 ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Convention, November 19, 2010, in Boston, MA, USA.

Konoeda, K. (2010). “Mite Waratte Kudasai [Please watch and laugh]”: Resources in a multimedia production project in a foreign language. LLC Student Conference, April 28, 2010, at the School of Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA.

Konoeda, K. (2010). 日本語教育におけるデジタルストーリーテリング活動と創造性 [Digital storytelling in Japanese language education and creativity]. 2010 ATJ (Association of Teachers of Japanese) Annual Conference, March 25, 2010, in Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Konoeda, K. (2010). Language play meets multimodality in computer mediated communication (CMC): Systemic functional analysis of second language learners' playful blogging. AAAL (The American Association for Applied Linguistics) Annual Conference, March 6-9, 2010 in Atlanta, GA, USA.

Konoeda, K. (2010). Carnival in a foreign language classroom. 31st Annual Ethnography in Education Research Forum, February 26-27, 2010 at the University of Pennsylvania.

Konoeda, K. (2009). A teacher’s autoethnographic inquiry into “misreadings” in a foreign language. AAA (American Antholopological Association) Annual Meeting, December 3, 2009 in Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Konoeda, K., Watanabe, Y., and Mochizuki, N. (2007). Exploring the possibility of critical pedagogy in Japanese EFL classrooms. ISLS (International Society for Language Studies) Conference, April 3, 2007 in Honolulu, HI, USA.

Watanabe, Y., Konoeda, K, and Mochizuki, N. (2007). Task-based critical pedagogy in junior high school EFL. JALT (The Japan Association for Language Teaching) Annual Conference, November 23-25, 2007 in Tokyo, Japan.