
Recent Publications

Konoeda, K. (2024). Identities of (in-)competence and plurilingual repertoires: Three stories of digital storytelling in a Japanese language classroom. To be included in N. M. Doerr (Ed.) The politics of “incompetence”: Learning language, relations of power, and daily resistance (pp. 49-80). Rowman & Littlefield. https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781666936247/The-Politics-of-Incompetence-Learning-Language-Relations-of-Power-and-Daily-Resistance

Konoeda. K. (in press). “My world has expanded”: students’ counter meta-standardization in language courses. To be included in N. M. Doerr (Ed.) Counter standardization and post unit-thinking: explorations. "Contribution to the Sociology of Language" series. De Gruyter.

Konoeda, K. (2021). コース成績の評価法を考える―多様な目標を持つ学生の学びのために [Rethinking course grade assessment methods for students with diverse learning goals]. The Proceedings for the 26th Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum (pp. 137-146). https://pjpf.princeton.edu/27th-princeton-japanese-pedagogy-forum

Konoeda, K. (2020). 日本語を使って、地域に学び、貢献する試み [Learning from and serving the local community using Japanese language]. Proceedings of the 28th Central Association of Teachers of Japanese Conference (pp. 137-146). https://www.macalester.edu/asian/catj-28/

Konoeda, K. (2019). コミュニケーションの「デザイン者」をめざしてー「デザイン」概念に根ざしたデジタル・ストーリーテリング実践 [Becoming "designers" of communication: Digital storytelling in language classroom grounded in "design" construct]. In S. Sato (Ed.) コミュニケーションとは何か:ポスト・コミュニカティブ・アプローチ [What is communication?: Post-communicative approach] くろしお出版.

Konoeda, K. (2019). 絵本を通して沖縄を見る:中級日本語コースで日本の多様性を考える試み [Seeing Okinawa through picture books: An attempt to discuss Japan’s diversity in an intermediate Japanese language course]. The Proceedings for the 25th Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum (pp. 245-256). https://pjpf.princeton.edu/25th-princeton-japanese-pedagogy-forum

Recent Presentations

Konoeda, K. (2024). アイデンティティーから始める社会正義:米国大学中級コースでの実践 [Social Justice Starting with Identities: Practices in Intermediate Courses at a U.S. College.] International Conference on Japanese Language Education (ICJLE), August 2, 2024, in Madison, WI.

Konoeda, K. (2024). 学習者の裾野を広げるための初級コースを目指して [Toward a beginner course that broadens the base of learners]. Japanese Language Teachers’ Association of New England (JLTANE) 2024 conference, May 11, 2024, hosted by the Wesleyan University, CT and delivered virtually.

Konoeda, K. (2022). Course grade models to support language learning of diverse students. 2022 ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Convention, November 18, 2022, in Boston, MA.

Konoeda, K. (2019). Picture books to study diverse perspectives within the target culture. 2019 ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Convention, November 23, 2019, in Washington, DC.

Konoeda, K. (2019). Critical exploration of multicultural picturebooks on Japan as “windows” in first-year writing course. Asian Studies Conference in Japan. June 30, 2019, Saitama, Japan.

Konoeda, K. (2018). "What was lying behind what we were learning:" Discussing diversity critically in foreign language classroom. AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting, April 17, 2018, New York, NY.


Keiko Konoeda / 此枝恵子

Lecturer in Japanese, Program in Asian Studies, Bates College

9 Andrews Road, Lewiston, Maine 04240

phone: +1(207)786-6405

fax: +1(207)786-8331

email: kkonoeda@bates.edu

program website: http://www.bates.edu/asian/

pronouns: she or they