4th Grade Orchestra Information & Registration

We are pleased to inform you of an educational opportunity your student will have starting in 4th Grade in the Barrington 220 School District! Your student can join the orchestra program that begins in 4th grade and continues through high school. Beginning in 4th grade, we welcome all students who are interested in learning the violin, viola, cello, or string bass. 

Click on each picture below to learn more about each string instrument to help your student decide what they would like to play in the orchestra program. After viewing the instruments offered, please read the informational sections below before registering. 

Please note: the link to register your student is at the bottom of the page. 

Program Overview

Program Fees and Financial Aid

Helping Your Student Choose An Instrument

Helping your student(s) choose what instrument is right for them can be overwhelming. There are so many factors- will they like the instrument that they choose? How expensive will it be to rent/buy? How many hours a week will they need to practice? While the Barrington 220 instrumental music staff can help guide your student to an instrument they will feel successful on, the most important element is that they enjoy the sounds and unique aspects of their instrument. Please take time to view the all videos we provided and to read the description of each instrument with your student to help them decide on an instrument to begin their musical journey.

Please note that elementary students must bring their instrument home with them at the end of the school day (no after hours storage at school).  Special consideration should be given to students wishing to play the larger bass. It should also be noted that despite its larger size, many elementary students have been successful transporting and playing the bass in the program. If your student needs additional or further support that isn't mentioned on this site, work with your teacher to find some modifications for the instrument that your student would like to play. 

To register your student for the 2024-2025 school year, please tap the red button below!