

The embankment stretches right into the heart of our estate, along the back of Easter Brae, past the foot of the playpark in Easter Brae, above Harvest Drive and eventually ends between the back gardens of Glenhead Drive and Clay Court.

It is a known residence for a variety of wildlife: foxes (which most residents will have seen and heard) and badgers (which some residents in Easter Brae and the end of Glenhead Drive may have seen). In spring 2012, significant damage was caused in this area as a result of someone felling a large proportion of the trees and bushes. This activity remains under investigation by the Wildlife Crime Officer from Strathclyde Police.

As a result of this, owners attention is drawn to the text on this page, and especially the link to the Protection of Badgers Act, 1992. Any unauthorised on unlicensed activities on the embankment may result in prosecution due to the known presence of badgers in the area.

Update 31st January 2012

A full inspection by the Rangers has been carried out earlier this week, and we have now received the report, which is attached to this page. This inspection and report formally confirms what has been known for some time - that the embankment is home to at least 1 badger, and means that a crime was committed when the unlicensed works to clear the area took place. The Association are duty bound to notify the Police of this new information, and confirmation of an offence.

Scottish Power have confirmed that they will apply for the requisite license prior to reinstatement of the works started earlier in the year, shown in Photo 1 in the document attached below.

Garden Waste

It has also been noted that some owners with gardens bordering the embankment have been utilising the area for disposal of garden waste material. Owners are reminded that this is not appropriate, and should dispose of garden waste either in their brown bin, or make alternative arrangements.

Legal Stuff

From the Protection of Badgers Act, 1992:

Interfering with badger setts.

A person is guilty of an offence if, except as permitted by or under this Act, he interferes with a badger sett by doing any of the following things—

More details about badgers and the law are available on the Scottish National Heritage site.