Technology Guide


4th Grade Technology Guide

Below is a list of websites and directions on how to access them. Feel free to share with us any great sites that you find as well to add to our list.

Student Gmail accounts & Google Drive

Students have a school Gmail and Google Drive account which can be logged in from outside of school. Throughout the year students may need to access this account to work on assignments outside of class. This account can be accessed in the following manner:

(“normal Chromebook password” → Laslunchcode)

For example, Billy Smith would be Smi12345 without the zero in front of his lunch code.

Skyward (Family Access)

Access your school information from: Skyward

Username: first.last

Password: "normal Chromebook password" (see above) 

Math Facts Pro (math facts practice) 

Math Facts Pro is a website that helps students master their math facts. This is a great site to use for students’ nightly math fact practice.

Click on “Student Log-in”

Your Teacher’s Username: av-w

Student Name: type your first and last name

Password: lunch code (without the zero at the beginning)

Khan Academy

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is an excellent resource to gain background knowledge on language and math skills. This can also be helpful for skill review and assistance on homework.

Click on “Login”

Select “Continue with Google”

Username: (

Password: _________________ (“normal Chromebook password” → Laslunchcode)

For example, Billy Smith would be Smi12345 without the zero in front of his lunch code.