Unit 5

Unit 5: Measurement 

Unit 5 Vocabulary Practice - Quizlet 

U5-1: I can explore the system of metric units of length. 

Math Antics - Intro to the Metric System 

U5-2: I can recognize and convert metric units of liquid volume and mass. 

NUMBEROCK: Metric System For Kids 

U5-3: I can solve problems involving different units of time. 

Math Antics - Telling Time 

NUMBEROCK: Telling Time Song For Kids 

U5-4: I can convert among customary units of length and measure segments to the nearest ⅛ inch. 

Math Antics - Measuring Distance 

NUMBEROCK: Inches, Feet, and Yards Song 

U5-5: I can convert customary units of weight and liquid volume. 

NUMBEROCK: Ounces, Pounds, & Tons Song 

NUMBEROCK: Capacity Song 

U5-6: I can find perimeter and area of rectangles. 

Math Antics - Perimeter (7:30)

Math Antics - Area (10:30) 

NUMBEROCK: Area and Perimeter Song for Kids 

Breakout EDU Game: 

Fixer Upper

You have just inherited a new home that is...well, let’s just say, less than perfect. It needs a few renovations, but after they are complete, your home will be spectacular. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!