Part 5 Skepticism

5. Bigfoot. One of the persistent, unexplained phenomena that we are familiar with is Bigfoot! Though there have been sightings and evidence such as hair and impressions, science has no good evidence that suggest Bigfoot is real. 

Again, below is footage from the famous Bigfoot sighting and film created by P. Patterson. 

Think like a scientist and attempt to answer the question, "Is bigfoot real?" Complete the task below in your science notebook:

On the available blank page, create a section of notes to help discuss Bigfoot in class. 

1. Click here and describe Bigfoot. What does bigfoot look like? Write a short list of the characteristics. 

2. Click here and list and explain the Explanations for sightings. Create a T-chart in the science notebook. Click here to see an example

a. In the T-chart, use the left side to list the examples given for the sightings of bigfoot. For each example write a one  to two sentence description for each example. 

b. In the right side of the chart, if your were a scientist what evidence would you need to satisfy skepticism. Try to list five specific pieces of information you would require. 

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