Teaching Curriculum

Genetics for Clinicians

Why should speech-language pathologists, audiologists, OTs, PTs, clinical psychologists, and many other health professionals care about genetics?

  • They see patients with disorders of genetic etiology on a daily basis.

  • A better understanding of the genetic etiology leads to more accurate prognosis and more targeted therapy.

  • Relevant medical referrals can be initiated. Says Professor Meg Heffner, Associate Professor and genetic counselor at Saint Louis University, "In my experience, the referral for genetic counseling is often initiated by an SLP who noticed something about the patient that everyone else had missed. Maybe this is because speech and language involve such complex behaviors.”

Recent Courses, Talks, and Workshops


        • CSDI 589 Summer Institute: Genetic Causes of Communication Disorders: Basic Science to Clinical Management, Saint Louis University. Offered every other year, even years.

        • SHS 598 Molecules, Markers, Management: Introduction to Genetics. ASU Fall Semester. Offered every other year, odd years.

        • SHS 598 Special Populations. ASU Spring semester. Offered every year.

Talks and Workshops:

        • Peter, B., Hogan, T., Alt, M., Green, S., Cowan, N., Schrauwen, I., Naymik, M., Sacchetta, M., Vose, C., Deshpande, K., Guido, J., & Gray, S. (2018). Dense microarray genotypes validate genes of interest for disorders of spoken and written language. American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention, Boston, November 15-17, 2018.

        • Peter, B., Hogan, T., Alt, M., Green, S., Cowan, N., Schrauwen, I., Naymik, M., Sacchetta, M., Vose, C., Deshpande, K., Guido, J., & Gray, S. (2018). Copy-number variations in children with disorders of spoken and written language point to genes with prenatal cerebellar expression. American Society of Human Genetics Meeting, San Diego, Oct. 16-20, 2018.

        • Peter, B. Potter, N., VanDam, Mark, & Davis, J. (2018). Translating knowledge of genetic risk into prevention of speech and language disorders: A pilot study in infants with classic galactosemia. Behavior Genetics Association Annual Meeting, Boston, June 20-23, 2018.

        • Vose, C. & Peter, B. (2018). Rare LAMA5 variant is the likely cause of a severe speech and reading disorder in a de novo case. Behavior Genetics Association Annual Meeting, Boston, June 20-23, 2018.

        • Peter, B., Potter, N., VanDam, Mark, & Davis, J. (2018). Babble Boot Camp: Preventing speech and language disorders in infants at genetic risk. American Scientific Affiliation Annual Meeting, Gordon College, July 27-30, 2018.

        • Peter, B., Potter, N., VanDam, M., Davis, J., Stoel-Gammon, C., Lien, K., Bruce, L., Vose, C., & Eng, L. (2018). Preventing speech and language disorders in infants with classic galactosemia: Babble Boot Camp first year’s results. Poster, Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference, San Diego, March 26-30, 2018.

        • Peter, B., Vose, C., Stats-Caldwell, D., & Ingram, D. (2017). Extremely late onset of speech due to genetic mutation: Wed wabbits at age 15. Poster, ASUA Cognitive Affiliates Conclave, December 2, 2017.

        • Peter, B. & Dougherty, M. (2017). Genetics for SLPs and audiologists: How to spot red flags and make the right referrals. Seminar, American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention, November 9-11, Los Angeles.

        • Bruce, L., Peter, B., & Weinhold, J. (2017). Evaluating an RTI model for late-8 speech sound disorders. Poster, American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention, November 9-11, Los Angeles. Meritorious Poster Award.

        • Vose, C., Peter, B., Stats-Caldwell, D., & Ingram, D. (2017). Two rare cases of extremely delayed speech and language development: Comparisons against typical trajectories. Poster, American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention, November 9-11, Los Angeles.

        • Peter, B., Potter, N.L., VanDam, M., Stoel-Gammon, C., Lien, K., Vose, C., Bruce, L., Eng, L., & Davis, J. (2017). Babble Boot Camp: Translating known genetic risks into preventative speech and language therapy. Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) Precision Health Meeting, Scottsdale, September 14-16, 2017. Accepted but withdrawn due to high registration fee.

        • Peter, B. (2016). Chromosomal deletions in three children with motor speech disorders: Novel candidate genes and interprofessional implications. Technical Talk. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, November 17-19, 2016.

        • Peter, B., Wijsman, E., Nato, A., Matsushita, M., Chapman, K., Stanaway, I., Wolff, J., Oda, K., Raskind, W., University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics (2016). CDH18 and C4orf21 (ZGRF1) variants segregate separately in two multigenerational families with overlapping phenotypic presentations of childhood apraxia of speech. Poster. American Society of Human Genetics Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., October 18-22, 2016.

        • Lancaster, H. & Peter, B. (2016). Sequence errors during real word and nonword imitations in adults with dyslexia. Poster, International Dyslexia Association 76th Annual Conference, Orlando, October 26-29, 2016.

        • Fares, A., Vose, C., Lancaster, H. & Peter, B. (2016). Comparing two children with speech deficits and overlapping chromosomal deletions. Technical talk, Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Tucson, April 29-30, 2016.

        • Peter, B. and Reed, K. (2015). Genetics Bootcamp: DNA, communication disorders, and professional teamwork. Short Course. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Denver, November 11-14, 2015.

        • Peter, B., & Raskind, W.H. (2015). Speech sound disorders of genetic etiology: New findings in a sporadic case and two multigenerational families. Poster and flash talk, International Society for Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, Tempe, March 19-21, 2015.

        • Peter, B. Introduction to genetics: Molecules, Markers, Management. Short Course. American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention, Orlando, November 20-22, 2014.

        • Huang, A., Peter, B., UW Center for Mendelian Genomics, Brkanac, Z., Stocco, A., Matsushita, M., Wolff, J., & Raskind, W. A rare case of speech sound disorder with a heterozygous BCL11A deletion. Poster. 64th American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting, San Diego, October 18-22, 2014.

        • Peter, B. Speech sound disorders of genetic origin in multigenerational families. International Child Phonology Conference, Missoula, June 15-18, 2014.

        • Hutchison, E., Spencer, K., Leverenz, J., Peter, B., Edwards, K., Zabetian, C., Hall, T., & Snappin, K. Nature and laterality of motor symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease and relationship to cognitive-linguistic profile. Poster. 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society in Seattle, Washington, February 12-15, 2014

        • Peter, B. Molecular genetics for speech-language pathologists and audiologists. Short Course. American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention, Chicago, November 13-16, 2013.

        • Peter, B. Sequential processing deficit in speech and reading disorders as a potential endophenotype of genetic origin. Poster. American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention, November 13 – 16, 2013.

        • Peter, B., & Raskind, W.H. Heterogeneity in speech sound disorders: New findings in multigenerational families. International Conference on Functional and Comparative Genomics and Pharmacogenomics. Chicago, Nov. 12-14, 2013.

        • Peter, B., Wijsman, E., Matsushita, M., Oda, K., Chapman, K., UW Center for Mendelian Genomics, Stanaway, I., & Raskind, W. Poster. Genetic etiologies of speech sound disorders. 63rd American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting, Boston, October 22-26, 2013

        • Peter, B. Childhood apraxia of speech in families: Genes and generations. Workshop. National Childhood Apraxia of Speech Conference, Denver, July 11-13, 2013.

        • Peter, B., Chapman, K., & Raskind, W. (2012). Sequential processing deficit as a cognitive endophenotype in a multigenerational family with a severe speech sound disorder. Poster. 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, San Francisco, Nov. 6-10, 2012.

        • Peter, B., Matsushita, M., Sun, E., & Raskind, W.H. Suggestive evidence of myelin gene linkage in familial speech disorders. Talk. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, San Diego, Nov. 17 – 19, 2011.

        • Peter, B., Matsushita, M., Oda, K., & Raskind, W.H. Replication of a FOXP2 association with motor speed during an oral task in families with familial speech sound disorder. Poster. 12th International Congress of Human Genetics and 61st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Montreal, Oct. 10 – 15, 2011.

        • Peter, B. & Raskind, W.H. (2010). Genetics of speech sound disorder: Testing three novel hypotheses. Talk. American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention, Philadelphia, Nov. 18-20.

        • Peter, B., Matsushita, M. & Raskind, W.H. (2010). Limits in processing speed as a possible endophenotype in dyslexia. Poster. 60th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Washington, DC, Nov. 3-6, 2010.

        • Peter, B., Brkanac, Z., Matsushita, M., Lisowski, M., Vu T., Berninger, V.W., Wijsman E.M. & Raskind, W.H. (2009). FOXP2 and CNTNAP2 influence phonology, motor praxis, and reading in individuals with dyslexia. Poster. 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Honolulu, Oct. 20 – 24, 2009.

        • Peter, B. & Stoel-Gammon, C. (2009). Speed limits in the central nervous system: An endophenotype in children with speech sound disorder? Talk. Child Phonology Conference, Austin, June 8-9, 2009.

        • Peter, B. & Stoel-Gammon, C. (2008). Octave-shifted pitch matching in the nonword and sentence imitations of children with speech sound disorders. Poster, Child Phonology Conference, Purdue University, June 2-3, 2008.

        • Peter, B. & Stoel-Gammon, C. (2007). Childhood apraxia of speech: Discrete clinical entity, spectrum disorder, or just a fancy term for the most severe cases of primary speech disorders? Talk. Child Phonology Conference, University of Washington, Seattle, June 22 – 23, 2007.

        • Peter, B. & Stoel-Gammon, C. (2006). Acoustic correlates of primary motor speech disorders in children during oral and hand tasks. Poster. 4th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Honolulu, Nov 28 – Dec 2, 2006.

        • Peter, B. & Stoel-Gammon, C. (2006). Typology of primary speech disorders based on multivariate classification. Talk. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Miami, Nov 15-18, 2006.

        • Peter, B. & Stoel-Gammon, C. (2006). Timing accuracy in oral and limb tasks as associated characteristic of primary speech disorders in children. Talk. Rhythm, Time and Temporal Organisation, 2-4 June, 2006, Institute for Music in Human and Social Development, University of Edinburgh.

        • Stoel-Gammon, C., Kim, M-J., Peter, B. & Dawson, G. (2005). Linguistic vocalizations of children with autism: Phonetic and phonological patterns. Poster. CPEA/STAART, Bethesda, Maryland, Nov 7-9, 2005.

        • Peter, B,.& Stoel-Gammon, C. (2005). Acoustic correlates of motor speech impairment in children. Poster. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, San Diego, Nov 17-20, 2005.

        • Peter, B. & Stoel-Gammon, C. (2005). A data-based classification of child speech disorders of unknown origin. Poster. X. International Congress for the Study of Child Language. Berlin, Germany, July 25 – 29, 2005.

Cortical Electrophysiology

The Peter Speech/Language Genetics Lab is equipped with a 128-channel EEG machine. We use it not only to generate research data but also to teach students to design and carry out their own experiments. The first in a two-course series is Introduction to Cortical Electrophysiology I, cross-listed with Psychology and available for undergraduate as well as graduate credit. Students learn about the scientific principles of neuronally generated electricity, various aspects of research and clinical applications, and, importantly, they gain the hands-on skills of creating an experimental paradigm, fitting an EEG on a participant, and collecting and interpreting the data from the 128 channels. The advanced version of the course,

Cortical Electrophysiology II, is taught by Dr. Brewer in the department of psychology.

Professional Courses

Besides the special courses in genetics and electrophysiology, Dr. Peter teaches the following, regularly scheduled courses at ASU:

      • SHS 585 Articulation and Phonological Disorders, a required course for all graduate students in the Master of Science program in speech-language pathology

      • SHS 701 Scientific Writing and Presentation, a seminar for doctoral students

      • SHS 790 Writing Group, a seminar for doctoral students