
Summer Survey Shows Most People Working or Relaxing

By Jacob Hoag, Year End 2018

In a recent survey about summer, 33 students and staff responded. When asked what their summer plans were, the most popular was relaxing followed by working, and then traveling.

Twenty out thirtythree are looking forward to working this summer, 82.6% said yes. Senior Isabella Lucarelli is looking forward to working at Bristol Cliff´s Cafe and the Bobcat. She said, “I like my boss, the other people I work with, and most of the people hanging out there are cool. The food is also pretty good.”

Nineteen students and teachers are traveling over the summer. Science teacher Mike Williams said, “I am finally going on my honeymoon to South America after getting married over four years ago.” Over 90% of people that took this survey are looking forward to traveling over the summer.

Only 6 out of 33 are going to summer camp, but 66% of them are looking forward to it. Eighth grader Elena Bronson is going to Camp Neshoba North in Maine for a week, and she is looking forward to it she said, ¨I have never been to summer camp.”

All 21 of the 33 respondents who said they´re planning to relax are looking forward to relaxing over this summer. To explain how she relaxes, 7th grader Bella Robideau said, “I’m going to hang out around the house and go swimming.”

Six out of 33 are taking a summer class or doing school work over the summer and ¾ of them are looking forward to it. 8th grader Sophie Venman said, “I will be taking Korean classes from either a private tutor, or independently.” She is looking forward to this because she is interested in learning a new language.

Ten people chose “other” when asked what they were doing this summer and listed activities such as volunteering, going to family reunion, fishing, and teaching American Sign Language.

What People Do on Summer Vacation

By Courtnee Cox, Spring 2016

Do you go on summer vacation? According to a recent survey, 83.3% of Mt.Abe people go away on vacation during the summer break. Over the summer, many of us like to get away from home. There are many things people like to do to relax and have fun.

People get where they're going in many different ways. The majority of people drive with their families when they go on vacation. 75.7% drive, 13.5% fly on a plane, 8.1% travel other ways, and some travel by train. Traveling can be very fun and exciting especially with your family. 84.2% of the Mt. Abe population travels during the summer with their family. If Mt. Abers do not travel with their family over the summer, most of them are at a summer camp. 41.7% go campling, 33.3% go visit relatives or friends, and 25% do other activities.

People travel many places from long distances to short distances. In a recent survey, the Mt. Abe community said they travel anywhere from 10 minutes to 8 hours. Other people from Mt. Abe said they travel anywhere from 15 miles to 3,200 miles away. They also said they travel from half a day to 2 months.

People who took part in this questionnaire don't do exotic things or go to exotic places, they do simple things. They go to the beach, camping, and they go to the city. 55% of people from Mt.Abe go to the beach on a lake or a pond, and 37.5% go to the ocean. 61.5% go camping over the summer. 36.8% travel to the city. 60% of the people who took the survey also go to the mountains. People go to very exciting and different places like Maine, New Hampshire, North Carolina, New England, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York City, Ohio, Brazil, New York, Massachusetts, Florida, and Connecticut.

Summer vacations are a tradition for people in Mt. Abe. When school is out people just want to relax and take it easy.


Survey results from Spring 2015: