Drama and Speech Lettering

Drama Lettering


Points are awarded for both the fall and spring productions separately. Points are as follows:

Student Director = 3 points

Stage Manager = 3 points

Principal Performing Role = 3 points

Supporting Performing Role = 2 points

Ensemble/ Chorus Role = 1 point

Stage Crew Head = 3 points

Stage Crew = 1 point

Additional Points:

Raider Productions Committee Member = 3 points

Workshop/ extra event attendance (if applicable) = 1 point

Volunteer Opportunities (if applicable) = 1 point

Varsity Letter = 5 points or more

Junior Varsity Letter = 2-4 points

Participation Certificate = 1 point

Speech Lettering

Varsity Letter =  having gotten to state competition in either a group or individual speech category.

Junior Varsity Letter = competing at a district competition in either a group or individual category.

Participation Certificate = having been involved in rehearsals but not moving on to  the competition phase.