Unit 2 Population and Migration

Link to get old CIA World factbooks: http://www.theodora.com/wfb/

Demographic Transition Research Paper

Objective: Analyze a country of your choice (not one presented in the book, not the US) in terms of where it is on the Demographic Transition timeline(which stage? Could be early or late within a stage). Support your answer with statistics, especially how CDR and CBR have changed, and then research explanations of why your country’s birth rates, death rates, and Natural Increase rates have changed (You’ll need to look at historical data, cia.gov has last 10 years, UNICEF . Also try LMC database called countryreports.org). Search for explanations for the changes, or lacking this, give possible explanations. The more you can prove/support, the better. You do not need to describe/define the stages of the model in your paper, your focus should be on the higher level explanation/application. You might compare your country’s numbers to the “typical” numbers for a country in the demographic transition stage.

Cite all your sources of statistics and research within the paper (parenthetical documentation), and provide a Work Cited page in proper MLA format. Three to five different and reliable sources are expected.

Required stats: CDR, CBR, NIR and how these #s have changed over time. You must use these #s to place your country.

Other useful stats (Make sure you are not just listing statistics, but analyzing them, connecting them to the model and using them to prove your point! ): Life expectancy. Dependency ratio. Age structure, education levels, migration patterns to or from your country(see chapter 3),women in the workforce, type of health care system, economic development level (i.e. what % of labor force is in agriculture? What is the GDP per capita?)

Typed, double spaced. Due Thursday. Late: 10% off each day it’s late. 50 points, summative
