Welcome to Mr. Semple's home page!


I will be teaching three sections of 

 AP Human Geography

in the 2024-25 school year.  

Ms. Dumas will teach the other two sections. 

We have the same summer work!!

Click on this link for the SUMMER WORK for 

the AP Human Geography Course 2024-25.

Other classes:

I am also teaching World History (9th grade) 

Studentsaccess the materials for my class using your Schoology Account

Parents: click class links above for more information

Contact me:



Office Hours:   I'll be in my office A208 periods 4, 5, and 8.

Academic Support: every Wednesday morning

    7:40 until 8:30 in  Mobile 6

Email me anytime.  I check emails throughout the day

Anime Club home page