Grade Levels

Legacy 2000 is a class that aims to teach the skills involved with being a STEM professional. Most high school courses are focused on content, while L2k is focused more on projects that teach the skills that successful professional will need.

Skills that are focused on:

Informational Research

Experimental Research and Design

Technical Writing


Group Work


Problem Solving



Freshman Year

This level introduces the skills that students will work on and use throughout their time in our program. They also learn how to pay attention to detail, follow directions closely, meet deadlines while working both independently and interdependently.

Freshman Parent Orientation 8-15-16

Sophomore Year

This level takes the skills learned in 9th grade and applies them to what STEM communities really do. The first semester is focused on experimental science while the second semester is focused engineering. Students get a chance to see and feel what it is like to work in these kinds of environments. Students work primarily in groups on longer term projects.

Junior Year

This level takes advantage of a lot of self discovery that has occured in the first two years of the program. Students are expected to to find a 20 hour "job shadow" that allows them to better understand all aspects of that profession. It also includes projects and guest speakers who help them navigate college choices.

List of 2015-2016 Job Shadows

List of 2014-2015 Job Shadows

Senior Year

This final level uses each level of the program to prepare them for a 40 hour job internship of their choosing. It also helps them refine their college search for the appropriate program that they have identified as the best pathway to their professional goals.

List of 2015-2016 Internships