Using the Catalog

Log in up here!

Log In With These Credentials:

Students log in with ST number (st-######) and their school password. There is no

Teachers log in with lastnamefirstinitial and their normal password.

Parents will need to contact the librarians first, and then can log in with their email address and the password "penguins".

Search for books here.

You can limit to reading levels, books or ebooks, or by title or author.

Check what it is:

The information under the title tells you what/where the books is - Genre_Feelings is a picture book about that subject.

DVD is a Movie. The Audio Icon is an audiobook on Sora.

J and MG are great for younger students, Fiction_ is great for older students. There's information here to see as you choose.

Hold a book you want.

The little button on the right hand side says "Hold It".

Click that button to save that book for yourself. The librarians will have big lists for curbside and for students using this online system.

If patrons could come to the library, we wouldn't encourage this - it makes the books appear gone to other students.

Please only hold on your account, not on your child's account.

See what you have

Click on the "My Info" tab to see what books you have checked out and when they are due.

Advanced Searching

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