
The AAS Library subscribes to several online databases.

Contact the library for the username and password, as they cannot be posted on a public site.

Use MyBib to create projects and cite your sources. It allows you to add all sorts of sources (from website, to book, to anything in between) and helps keep you organized. It works in any style, and you can translate styles throughout the process.

When you are finished, you can download your entire bibliography, all organized and formatted correctly, and see the in-text citations for each source. Easily, the most useful citation maker we have seen.

ABC-CLIO is a rich source for any historical research.

There are four databases in this suite:

Geography, World at War, World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras, World History: The Modern Era


ABDO has non-fiction books for younger readers.

BrainPop, BrainPopJr, BrainPop Espanol, BrainPop Francais

Brainpop has videos on all sorts of topics, as well as games and activities.

Britannica Encyclopedia School Edition

Britannica Encyclopedia is easy to browse, and a great source of information for lower to upper levels.


CultureGrams has information about countries and cultures for student research.

Gale Cengage Databases

There are three Gale Databases that are excellent for student research:

Opposing Viewpoints in Context

Psychology Collection

Gale in Context: High School


Find articles in current magazines and newspapers, including the Moscow Times, the Financial Times, and a variety of newspapers around the world.

New York Times

Create an account with the New York Times here while you are on campus, then enjoy logging in anywhere or using their phone app. Create an account here using your email address.

Check out the NY Times Time Machine (their full archive from 1851 to 2002).

Pebble Go: The Emergent Reader Solution

Search for information in the following subjects: Animals, Science, Biographies, Social Studies, Dinosaurs and Animales (en espanol)

TumbleBook Library

Read picture books and non-fiction books online with this site.

World Book Encyclopedia

Find encyclopedia articles about all topics and browse resources.