Michael Brick

CASA School Counselor

Contact information


Phone number: 541- 553-1128 ex.6034

Office hours M-F 10-11 & 1-2

About Me

Hello! My name is Michael Brick and I am a school counselor at Warm Springs K-8 Academy. I am also the counselor for our CASA program in Jefferson County 509J.

I graduated from Oregon State University with my Masters in School Counseling and through that experience I have worked with students from grades K-12. The focus of my experience and schooling has been on supporting our students' social-emotional needs by using proven practices.

I provide crisis counseling, individual and group counseling, social-skills education, collaborative problem-solving sessions, counseling lessons, and both academic and social-emotional support. My passion for supporting our students stems from my belief in public education and facilitating a safe environment for all our students to learn and grow.

My Counseling Office!