Hi. Let's Shift.

Introducing the Shift campaign

Ideas to shift our minds and shift our habits to reduce community greenhouse gas emission.

Why Shift?

The Shift Campaign came about to provide individuals and households a way to learn about how to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in every day life. While the Climate Recovery Ordinance (CRO) sets an aggressive target of lowering Eugene's GHG emissions to 350 parts per million (ppm) by 2100, the CAP2.0 showed us that to stay on track to meet that target, our community needs to reduce GHG emissions by 790,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, or MT CO2e by 2030. That's a lot! It’s going to take everyone to reach that goal.

Eugene 4J is a leader in the community for climate action as part of the Eugene Climate Collaborative. 4J staff and families are invited to make small shifts to make a big difference-at home and in the workplace.

In Eugene 4J, we have have identified four goal areas for staff and families to consider shifting:

  • Transportation

  • Food Waste

  • Water Quality

  • Reduce and Reuse (Consumption)

With The Shift Campaign, we can shift the conversation towards sustainable living and mindful consumption at home and in the workplace to highlight ways we can all do our part to meet our community climate recovery goals. Small shifts, make a big impact in helping our community work toward collective carbon emissions reduction by 2030.

For more info visit the Shift Campaign site.


Shift your ride

Start with one trip a week using Eugene's renowned bike path system, riding an LTD bus or commuting by scooter, walking or carpool . Safe Routes to Schools

4J Safe Routes to Schools

4J's Efficient bus fleet

Food Waste

Shift your bin

Utilizing the City's Love Food Not Waste program keeps methane-producing organic materials out of the landfill and into compost which the community can repurpose. Simply place food waste only in your yard-debris bin for pick-up day.

Water Quality

Shift what's downstream

Water gives life to Eugene: our rivers are a source of clean power, delicious water and floating fun. You can protect our rivers by keeping pollutants, like trash, pet water and chemicals out of the stormwater drains.


Shift your shopping

Did you know that in Lane County, nearly 70% of our emissions come from upstream emissions – those occurring outside city limits related to the sourcing, manufacturing, and transportation of goods? By reducing and reusing, you can significantly curb your carbon footprint!

The short story of 4J Climate Action Shifts

In the Eugene area we have all witnessed the devastation of the global climate crisis, with forest fire smoke choking our air, drought leaving many communities in need of water and crazy weather phenomena all over the world. All hope is not lost. Over the past several years Eugene 4J has made some small strides toward climate action in accordance with our part of the Eugene Climate Collaborative and some actions stated in the City of Eugene CAP 2.0. In May of 2019, the 4J School board unanimously passed a Climate Resolution stating the importance of this issue for our students and our community, a list of goals and ways we will accomplish them. And, most recently, a 4J Climate Justice Team was formed of students and teachers working toward integrating climate change education across PK-12 in all subject areas. 4J students are calling us adults to get involved and they need our allyship in action.