The mission of R.C. Murphy's Comprehensive Counseling Program aligns with the mission of NYS Department of Education, the Three Village Central School District and the Three Village Guidance Department. This school counseling program will support all students with academic success, career/college readiness, and personal/social development. The program ensures that all students receive an equal, equitable, and supportive educational opportunity to become successful life-long learners, leaders, and responsible individuals. Students will receive support throughout their experience in the junior high school through direct and indirect services, giving each student the skills needed to become successful throughout their education and beyond. 

In addition, there will be a focus on transition guidance for all ninth graders moving on to Ward Melville High School.


The vision of R.C. Murphy's Comprehensive Counseling Program is that our schools provide students with safe and inclusive environments, where students excel beyond their limitations. Our community and families work collaboratively with our school to ensure the life-long success of our students.  Our students are innovative and resilient individuals who have academic success, career/college readiness, and personal/social development. Students leave our junior high school equipped with the right tools and strategies to have success in the junior and senior high school. They graduate and become independent, hard-working, and engaged members of our society. Our students use problem-solving techniques to overcome barriers to success and always look to rise up to the highest of standards. Our students see their mistakes as learning opportunities and  continuously use kind actions to positively impact the world around them.



R.C. Murphy's comprehensive school counseling program aims to follow the guidelines of the ASCA National Model. 

"School Counselors design and deliver school counseling programs that improve student outcomes. "The ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs” outlines the components of a school counseling program that is integral to the school’s academic mission and is created to have a significant positive impact on student achievement, attendance and discipline. The ASCA National Model guides school counselors in the development of school counseling programs that: 

Explore the ASCA National Model website to learn more about the ASCA National Model, its component parts and how developing a school counseling program based on this framework can improve student achievement."

Click Here for the ASCA Website