Kindness and Compassion Club

Advisors:  Dr. Stevens

Description:  The kindness and compassion club is an excellent way for students to create a lasting impact for themselves, their school and community.  This year the focus will be on learning strategies for compassion and kindness towards themselves and their communities. We will learn new self-regulation and community awareness strategies while engaging in illustration and other art activities. This club is open to Kindergarten through 3rd Grade. 

Meet Dates:  This year we are running Tuesday and Thursday sessions
3:35-5:15p.m.. Sessions will be broken up based on numbers of students and grade levels from around October through January depending on your sessions. Exact Dates TBD

Guidelines:   Parents will be notified via letter as to which session their child is enrolled.  A lottery may be conducted based on the number of participants who show interest. Children will be picked up by no later than 5:15p.m. Please pack an extra nut-free snack as the children will first enjoy their extra snack before we begin activities. 

Thank you for your interest, but the club is now full.