Medical Matters

General Welfare/First Aid

In school we are naturally concerned with the growth and the development of the whole child. The class teacher is responsible for the general welfare of the pupils during the school day. Play-times are well supervised with a duty teacher each day and support staff. At lunchtimes midday supervisors are on duty from 12.00 - 1.15 p.m. If your child has an accident at play-times this is dealt with by a qualified TA in first aid. In the rare occasion that the injury is severe parents would be informed and the incident logged in an accident book. If a child is taken ill in school then parents would be contacted to collect their child as soon as possible.


Children requiring inhalers should have one in school at all times. These need to be kept with the class teacher if the child does not administer it themselves. It is a parent’s responsibility to ensure that the inhaler is full, up to date and named. We keep a register of all children who have asthma.

Head Lice

From time to time head lice are reported in school. Letters are sent home to notify the class in question. It is IMPORTANT to treat the whole family if head lice are found. It is also essential to notify school and to keep children away from class if treatment is taking place (e.g. treatment shampoo). Always check your child’s hair regularly and comb through with conditioner/bug busting comb. (Bug buster combs are available in school.)

Keep long hair plaited or tied back, avoiding contact with other heads. Further information can be obtained from the school nurse, Mrs. Sandra McDermott. Her contact details are available from the school office.


In special circumstances we are prepared to help with the administration of medicine. (Tablets or drugs, however, should not be sent to school with a child). To avoid misunderstandings we ask parents to bring medicine to school personally and ensure that the secretary is given precise details as to dosage. Eye drops cannot be administered but parents are welcome to come to school at lunchtime to administer these themselves.

Medical and Dental Inspections

Dental and medical inspection of pupils, sight and hearing tests are arranged from time to time. Parents are informed when the school Doctor is coming to school and are encouraged to be present.

School Nurse

Cressy Moule is our school nurse. If you would like to speak with her, please ask Mrs Guest for her contact details. She completes care plans for all children who have a medical condition and their photos are displayed in the staffroom.