Pastoral Care


The Authority requires Head teachers to report any obvious or suspected cases of child abuse which includes non-accidental injury, physical neglect, emotional abuse and/or sexual abuse. This procedure is intended to protect children at risk and schools are encouraged to take the attitude that where there are grounds for suspicion, it is better to be safe than sorry. This means that there may be an occasion, where Head teachers risk upsetting some parents by reporting a case which may prove to be unfounded. It is hoped that should this ever happen, parents will realize that in trying to carry out this delicate responsibility, it is the child's best interests that are at heart. Since 2003 teachers have had the responsibility of reporting any cases of child abuse.


We recognise that bullying occurs in school under the following behaviour patterns:

Name calling / Physical abuse, i.e. pushing, hitting / Teasing

Exclusion from a group on a regular basis

Any behaviour that causes distress to a child on a REGULAR BASIS

‘A joke is only a joke when everyone is laughing’

All staff members at Welbourne Primary School are responsible for ensuring that the above behaviour traits are diminished. We will ensure that our policy against bullying of any kind is promoted in the following ways:

+ Our PSHE lessons will promote self-esteem and will encourage confidence in our children so that if they are bullied they will say NO or be able to tell another person. Any reported situation will be monitored and any activities of a bullying nature will be taken seriously.

+ All the staff will follow the guidelines of ‘no blame’

+ Listen to the victim, talk to the bully, talk to the victim and the bully together, if necessary, talk to witnesses

+ Try and solve the problem by simple means e.g. ‘Do not do that again!’

+ Take the matter further if necessary, by involving senior management of the school, who will

decide the course of action required e.g. parental involvement, suitable behaviour modification.

+ Children will be taught through visitors to school, drama, school assemblies and class lessons that name calling of any kind, is wrong. ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones but names may break my heart’

Welbourne's Anti-bullying Charter


Emphasis has been placed in all our teaching on the first hand experience of children's learning. Children are more likely to learn in a more positive way if they are able to touch, see, problem-solve, visit places of interest etc. The National Curriculum emphasises these points.

The value of educational visits is recognised by most and the 1988 Education Act determines that all

children should have access to educational visits, visitors, activities. At Welbourne school we encourage class teachers to take the children on visits as often as possible. We appreciate costs of trips may vary and often subsidize visits so that all children can have access to these valuable and worthwhile experiences


The Governing Body has a policy on charging and remissions which agrees with the Education Reform Act and Local Education Authority Policy. For further information relating to this, please contact the Head teacher. This policy ensures that no-one is disadvantaged with regard to day visits to places of interest.


As a school we are committed to supporting various local and national charities. Most recently we have supported Genes for Jeans day, Diabetes, Children in Need, St Theresa’s Shelter for the Homeless and Operation Christmas Child. All of these organisations are discussed in assemblies so children have an understanding of what the money is used for and how they can help. It also promotes the ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda - ‘Making a positive contribution’