Extracurricular Enrichment

While many of our academically and intellectually gifted students ask about taking advanced courses online through the North Carolina Virtual Public Schools there is a limit to how far one can accelerate within WCPSS before you simply run out of courses to take.

We strongly encourage our AIG students to consider options in and outside the school community for additional academic enrichment and as well as opportunities to meet peers with similar interests and ability levels.


One of the best parts of being at a Gifted and Talented Magnet school is we offer myriad options for students to pursue their advanced gifts during or right after the school day on campus. Consider pursuing one or more of these options as an elective (E) or club (C):

    • Art Club (C)
    • Battle of the Books (C)
        • Adviser--Ms. Carr (njcarr@wcpss.net)
    • Big History (E)
    • Gaming Club (C)
        • Adviser--Mr. Hinkel (khinkel@wcpss.net)
    • Martin Ambassadors (E) (8th Grade Only)
        • Adviser--Ms. Martin (efmartin@wcpss.net)
    • Math Counts (E and C)
        • Adviser--Ms. Townsend (jtownsend@wcpss.net)
    • Model UN (E)
    • National Juniors Honors Society (C)
        • Adviser--Ms. Hynus (ahynus@wcpss.net)
    • Odyssey of the Mind I (E) and II (E and C)
    • Science Olympiad (E and C)
        • Adviser--Mr. Beo (abeko@wcpss.net)
    • Student Council (E)
        • Adviser--Ms. Thomasson (kthomasson@wcpss.net)

Off Campus

In the Triangle

Further Afield