
Reservation & Notice


1. 展場內請勿飲食。

2. 本館全面禁菸     

3. 除導盲犬及功能犬外,攜帶其他寵物動物入館者,請置放可攜式容器內。 

4. 館內展品及其他設施請勿觸摸及破壞公物 。      

5. 友善攝影,拍照時禁止使用閃光燈及腳架。                                                                    

6. 參觀者於布袋戲館範圍應遵守本館相關規範,如有任何不恰當行為,本館人員有權制止,並要求參觀者即時離開。                               




Matters needing attention 

1. Eating and drinking are not allowed inside the exhibition area.     

2. It is forbidden to smoke and use open flames or use pyrotechnic devices .

3. All animals (except guide-dogs) are forbidden inside the  exhibition area. 

4. Running, jumping ,climbing, slapping  glass, touching exhibits  or any other wild behavior in the Museum is strictly prohibited.

5. It is forbidden to use flash, tripod, and additional lights while taking photos and filming. 

6. The Museum is not responsible for any damages to the visitor as a result of not adhering to these rules and regulations. If visitors exhibiting any  inappropriate behavior, The staff  have the right to ask the visitors to leave immediately.

7.  All children under the age of 12 must be supervised by a parent or other adult at all times.

8.The film and photographic material taken by visitors may only be used for private purposes. The commercial use and sale of this material (or parts thereof) in any way is expressly prohibited.

9.It is forbidden to damage the buildings, exhibits and other property of the museum. Visitors are liable to the Museum for any damages, which result from negligence of the regulations or any other negligent behavior .