A Bit Of History And More

By WebFucker

HashWorld According To WebFucker

with some updates by others

The idea of the Hash House Harriers was hatched at the Hash House, opposite the Selangor Club in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 1938 by A.S. Gispert (G), Cecil Lee, (Horse) Thomson and (Torch) Bennett. No-one really remembers whether it was an elaborate excuse to drink beer, or just sheer madness to want to run long distances over impossible terrain in tropical temperatures. But they did it. And now so do thousands of masochists all over the world. Hashers will call themselves drinkers with a running problem. Some say they keep fit, though that's hard to fathom. Others just carry on the tradition of insanity. But on close scrutiny, what it boils down to is a religion; baptism is certainly part of the ritual, and so is worship, albeit of the foamy amber stuff. Whatever, all who Hash seem to enjoy the pain and the punishment. It's fun. And that's what this Web Page is all about.

What is it?

Hashing is a very social, recreational cross-country running and walking for fun activity. A few social beers at the finish of exercise is the primary goal. Actually catching the hare seems to be a rather distant second these days, although it does still occasionally happen. Hounds talk and compare notes socialising around the beer truck after chasing the hares at another fun run. Many potential members have been quoted Phil Kirkland who said: If you've half-a-mind to join the hash, that's all you need.

Many packs break out the barbecue afterwards and make a party out of the occasion. Having formed a circle and armed with plenty op spare drinking vessels, (mis)management introduce beer down-downs for the hares, visitors, leavers, returnees, new boots and other excuses (sinners). The emphasis is on spontaneity and the entertainment by the participants is often quite hilarious.

The History of Hashing

A.S. Gispert aka G an English chartered accountant with Evatt & Co. established the Hash House Harriers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in December 1938. He started up the harriers group from among bachelors of the day resident at Selangor Club Chambers. It did not start at the Long Bar of the Selangor Club. He also conceived the alliterative name Hash House Harriers. The hash house was the term by which the dining room annex was known because of its cuisine.

The hash never ran from this location but rather on the outskirts of KL town in the vast rubber estates. However, many post-run gatherings and celebration diners were held at the hash house. Some of which were somewhat noisy. The ice, beer and ginger beer (for shandies) was taken out by car in a galvanised tin bath together with a couple of dozen enamel mugs.

The second Hash Chapter was formed by Capt. Gus Mackie, who's brother ran with the pre-war Mother Hash, in Italy on April 22 1947. Europe's first hash. Over the subsequent years, many new Hash Chapters have been formed over the whole world. At present, over 1,250 chapters are registered.

International Events

Every 2 years all the hashers meet at the Interhash. Interhash �98 has been in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 60 years after the founding. The next was in Tasmania, followed by Goa. We had great fun in Cardiff last summer. The 2006 event will be in Chiang Mai, organised by a consortium of hashes from six countries in the Mekong region.

Interhash 200627 - 29 October, 2006 , Chiang Mai, in the north of Thailand

The continents entertain themselves, if there is no global event.

Eurohash 200512 - 14 August, 2005 , Heemskerk, The Netherlands

Another EuroHash in The Netherlands , by our very own Neptunus

And So On - Und So Weiter - Etcetera - Visit

to find out what is cooking this year.

Some Hash Terminology

FRB - Front Runner Bastard/Bitch

Hare - Person who sets the run

Co-hare - Person who assists the hare

Hounds/pack - The runners following the trail set by the hare

SCB - Short Cutting Bastard

On-On - The food, drinks, singing, socializing and entertainment after the run

Down-down - The downing of a beer (or in exceptional cases a tea) for the hares, visitors, new boots and everybody who deserves it

Check - A gap in the trail in order to allow the pack to catch up with the FRB's

Grandmaster - The chairman of the (mis)management of a Hash Chapter

There is Much Much More...

Hashing in the Netherlands

After 3 years of hashing with the Petaling HHH, in Malaysia, I (WebFucker that is) keep the opinion that Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia offers the best hashes. The Malaysian rubber- and palm-oil estates and the jungle close to KL are perfect terrain for running. KL was a perfect setting for the Interhash 98. And Tasmania looks promising for Interhash 2000.

However, The Netherlands offers also good hashing. So, check out the Dutch jungle, hills, and shiggy:

  • Amsterdam H3 Our little sister in Amsterdam.
  • Assen H3 Guess what? you can (no longer) find them in Assen! They probably died of old age. But some of the hashers are still alive and show up, Somewhere...Every Once in a While.
  • Yesssss, Wageningen Hash.
  • Fully Illuminated LunaTics Holland They meet every Friday closest to the full moon at 21:00, usually somewhere near a train station.

Hash (Sub)- Culture

The manual of coarse hashing - or what you always wanted to know about hashing but never liked to ask.

A most widely sought after, useful and interesting document has recently been smuggled out from the London Underground Press (thought to be printed in a disused urinal in Piccadilly Circus Station). By devious means it was passed to one swinging type middle-aged Ibrahim bin Kayu and thence to the hallowed publication in the Petaling HHH 1000th run Magazine.

HASHTURBATION - is it unhealthy?

This self-abusive practice is very common amongst hashers. A poll showed that 97.3% of harriers and 82.1% of Harriettes run themselves off regularly. It used to be customary to discourage the practice of going on these solitary runs which generally was thought to lead to housemaid�s knee, madness and general dissipation. Young people however became more aware of the function of their running organs and what delight they can bring.

HASHOMANIA - can it be cured?

Some Harriettes develop an insatiable hashpetite and cannot restrain themselves from going to every Hash that will indulge them. Usually such Harriettes had a father who did not have a very positive attitude to hashing and they have a desire to be dominated. Some people say they rarely experience a good run-in. Cure - who cares?

How much FOREGAME is necessary?

Foregame, or running up and down before a hash, touching the toes and generally stimulating the running organs is regularly practiced by some hashers. Others leap from their cars, achieve a stance and immediately get on with the run. It is a highly personal thing to be decided among hash partners.

Is ORAL HASHING immoral?

Oral hashing or chewing the fat is very popular with some hashers who only come to the beer wagon to talk about hashing but never actually indulge in it, or do much of it. Although many find it agreeable, it is to be severely discouraged.

What appeals to HASHEURISTS (or PEEPING TOMS)?

Hasheurism, or watching other people hash gives most of us great pleasure, if only we are prepared to admit it. Hence the popularity of athletic meetings and long-distance running films. The practice of lurking in dark crevices in the hope of glimpsing passing hashers is a rather more sinister symptom, and usually indicates a degree of deprivation and lethargy.

What are HASHOGENOUS zones?

Certain regions of the body, such as the back of the knees, balls of the feet, armpits end elbow joints are supplied with a great concentration of nerve endings so that they respond highly during foregame and on the run. Their biological purpose is to make hashing pleasurable and to ensure the continued movement of the species.

Are DIRTY OLD HARRIERS to be pitied or censured?

The days are gone of sniggering at and the more serious condemnation of people who carry on hashing too late in life. Clinically conducted experiments show that old runners of even 80 or more can achieve a perfect good stance and run with great pleasure after a good hash (just ask Uncle Looi or John Duncan).

FETISHASHISM - is it dangerous?

The pleasure of the Hash becomes associated with a certain object or material, without which the fetishashist cannot get a good run. Thus we find hashers with a handkerchief tied around their head, a funny picture on their chest or a metal horn in the hand or a compulsion to urinate during every run.

PREMATURE RUN-IN - what are the causes?

Harriers on their first hash or two may be subject to this problem, finding themselves on the run-in shortly after starting off, or even almost before that start the hash. Those hashing after a long break may also have the same problem. If a few minutes break is taken, the hasher will find that he can achieve a more satisfactory run at a second attempt.

HASHOCHISTS -do they really enjoy it?

In hashochism (or sometimes hashellation) the participants feel pain just as much as anyone else. Their hang-up is that they only get satisfying hash if in pain, inflicted for example running through thorn bushed, wearing spiked running boots inside-out etc. To recognise the hashochist, look for tell-tale scratches and scars on the thighs and calves.

Is ANAL HASHING a normal, acceptable practice?

Anal hashing, or arse slithering, is a means of fully enjoying steep descents, indulged in by some hashers who find it helps to fill a gap in their lives.

Do PROHASHTITUTES have a good run-in?

Prohashtitutes, who will go on any hash primarily for the subsequent alcoholic reward, are often said not to experience a satisfactory run-in. There is no evidence to prove that this is really so, and many of them find a considerable pleasure in the hash act itself as well as in the reward.

HASHSIBITIONISM - what are its causes?

The hashsibitionist obtains his main hashing joy through displaying himself on the hash. Frequently it is associated with deprivation in immaturity when the normal show-off behaviour of the young runner has been suppressed by domineering Joint Masters. It may take many forms, such as topless hashing, horn honking, shouting rude words at checks etc. The fast running FROPS are prime Hashsibitionists.

HASHORNOGRAPHY (or HASHORNO) - what is the law?

In the famous case of D.P.P. versus Hash Organs LTD, it was Mr. Justice Flipcock who caused the collapse of the whole concept of what was accepted as HASHCENITY in the ruling that the mere printing of such terms as legs and run (the infamous three-letter word does not in itself constitute hashcenity). The question is - are they printed as part of good literature or to lewdly titillate hashing fantasies?

HashWorld According To WebFucker

With some minor updates from others

Do we believe him?

Should we?

Ask him!

WebFucker (at) HagueHash (dot) nl