Audiobooks and eBooks

What eBook or Audiobook Should I Read Next?

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How to use Sora to check out ebooks and audiobooks.

Borrow ebooks and audiobooks from Trinity's library with the Sora app or by clicking on the Sora icon above.

With the Sora app, you can download OR stream your assignments and favorite books to your device.

Available in both the Apple App store and Google Play, the Sora app mirrors the exact experience as in the browser.


To access thousands of other great audiobooks and ebooks, check out these resources below...

Teen BookCloud is a collection of eBooks, audiobooks, and videos available through our KYVL subscription for your use at any time. Or just click on the icon above.

Ask your librarians for the password.

AudioBookCloud is an online audiobook library collection of streaming audiobooks. Unlimited remote access to access any book at any time.

LibriVox audiobooks are FREE for anyone to listen to, on their computers, iPods or other mobile device. You can browse their catalog by author, title, genre, subject, or language.

SYNC is a FREE summer audiobook program for teens.

It will return Spring 2020.

Lit2Go is a FREE online collection of stories and poems in audiobook format. Browse by author, title, genre, or readability. An abstract, citation, playing time, and word count are given for each of the passages.

Each novel on the site has a FREE copy of the text as well as two versions of the audiobook (faster and slower).

The KSC is a state-wide shared digital collection of PreK-12 eBooks and audiobooks. Titles include Kentucky Bluegrass Award Nominees, High-Interest Fiction/Non-Fiction, Graphic Novels, and more!

Gale eBooks gives you subscription access to OUR collection of reference ebooks, which provide up-to-date information.

Ask your librarians for the password.

Project Gutenberg offers FREE access to nearly 60,000 eBooks from the world's greatest literature.

If you like Project Gutenberg, you'll LOVE Standard Ebooks...

Standard Ebooks takes FREE public domain ebooks "from sources like Project Gutenberg, formats and typesets them using a carefully designed and professional-grade style manual, fully proofreads and corrects them, and then builds them to create a new edition that takes advantage of state-of-the-art ereader and browser technology. "

Check this resource out!