
In this page, you will find my collaborative works with my friends. Most of the work here were a result from my CALL class. One of them is a video I made when I took creative writing class. Please enjoy the winter-themed journey ahead :D

Creative Writing Project (2018) - Reading a Villanelle

Villanelle is a nineteen-line poem. In my creative writing class, we were asked to make a villanelle and make a video of reading it aloud. Here is my group's video of reading a villanelle. Shout-out to my friends: Esther for making the villanelle and Rebecca for reading it beautifully. Check out the video bellow.

A Poster for my group's progress test

In the progress test, we discussed about an application that can be included as gamified application. My group talked about games in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Check this out :D

EdPuzzle project (2019)

This is one of my works in CALL class. I made this with my friend, Indri. EdPuzzle is a platform where teachers or educators can create a listening quiz based on a chosen video from the sites. I enjoyed the process of making this quiz and working on my friends' quiz also. Give it a try :D

Wordall Quiz (2019)

Wordwall is another platform that can be used to make online quizzes. There are various of game type in this site. You can choose whatever type you like. The material that my friend and I used in this game is about gamification. Why don't you give it a try?

Quizizz quiz (2019)

This is another quiz I have made in the CALL class with my friend. Quizizz is a platform that allows you to make an online quiz and make it as a homework. You don't have to play Quizizz in class. The graphic is also very great and smooth. Try to test your understanding on the recount text by playing the game bellow :D

Google sites

This is my first experience creating a Google sites. I made this site collaboratively with my friends, Jyesta and Yolfa. It is also one of the projects we made during CALL class. Please kindly click the picture bellow to visit the sites.

Have you seen the site I have created with my friends about collaborative learning?

Bellow is the original document. We collaborate using Google Docs to make this article. There is no face-to-face interaction. The entire interaction happened in the internet. Please kindly check it :D