
Savitri and Satyavan: The Legend of the Princess who Outwitted Death

The myth of Savitri and Satyavan-min.pdf

The storybook

The original video

The myth of Thor's journey to the land of giants - Scott A. Mellor

The myth of Thor's journey to Utgard-min.pdf

The storybook

The original video

The Cambodian myth of lightning, thunder, and rain - Prumsodun Ok

The Cambodian Myth of Lighting, Thunderstorm, and Rain - PDF Print-min.pdf

The storybook

The original video

The legend of Annapurna, Hindu goddess of nourishment - Antara Raychaudhuri & Iseult Gillespie

The legend of Annapurna, Hindu Goddess of Nourishment - PDF Print-min.pdf

The storybook

The original video

The myth of Pandora’s box - Iseult Gillespie

The Myth of Pandora Box - PDF Standard-min.pdf

The storybook

The original video

The myth of Oisín and the land of eternal youth - Iseult Gillespie

The Myth of Oisin and The Land of Eternal Youth - PDF Print-min.pdf

The storybook

The original video

How this all started: Storytime

I thought it'll be better if I provide some context and tell a story of how this all started.

Going down the memory lane, this all started with my CALL assignment, let's say September 2019. I got an assignment to make a presentation on making a reading module with my group. First of all, I am a perfectionist. So when we started making the reading module, I was thinking, "How in the world can I make this beautifully?" and out of nowhere, I got the idea to screenshot the video from TED Ed, transcript the story, and organize it as a complete storybook. And voila, the first product was made.

I really enjoyed the process of making the storybook, not gonna lie. It takes a lot of time, indeed. But the results are amazing and satisfying.

Fast forward to early 2021. I was doing a community service program. Since the corona virus pandemic turned the live interaction we used to have into an online one, this program was also affected. I need to think of a program that was helpful for the society, and could be done online. Then, I remember the storybook I once made for CALL project. "Why don't I make more, and share it with the kids? It's an English language learning media, right? Kids love storybooks too." And so the story began.

I screenshot the videos, downloaded the captions, and arranged them into storybooks that you saw earlier. Boom. There you have it.

As I said before, it does take a very long time. It is a very time-consuming activity, but I enjoy it so much.

In making these storybooks, I need to adjust the narration to fit in the picture I use. The fact that I adapt those from videos is another challenge I have to overcome too. I'll give you an example.

This one illustration of Niamh and Oisin is a merge of 3 different screenshots. I need to merge them because the video is a moving picture. I am so proud of this one. You can watch the video I attach above to see the original video.

I am sharing the storybooks because I really wish they can help teachers out there, they can be their sources to encourage students in learning. I am a visual learner myself, where I would love if the handouts, materials, or even worksheets that I need to work on are beautifully designed. I have spent my school years with black and white illustrations and monotone workbooks. With this, I wish it could help all the visual learners out there to learn better. I think that's how it all started. Now I will share some other pictures that are my all time faves from making those storybooks.

All time faves <3

From: The myth of Oisín and the land of eternal youth

From "The myth of Pandora’s box"

From "The myth of Thor's journey to the land of giants"

From "The legend of Annapurna, Hindu goddess of nourishment"