Visualization: Harris Matrices

By Sandra Schloen, June 2020

Visualization Wizard (VizWiz): Harris Matrices

OCHRE's Visualization Wizard, the VizWiz, supports the creation of Harris matrix diagrams for displaying stratigraphic sequences and other relationships, based on the principles outlined by Edward Harris, and drawing on core OCHRE data. This feature is uniquely appropriate to archaeology projects.

Consult the main Visualization article for general information about this feature.


Overview of wizard options

For charting, from the VizWiz choose:

Type of Visualization: Harris Matrix

  • Keep in mind that there are certain relationships required in the data to make a Harris matrix diagram meaningful.

Content (top tab)

  • This tab provides a summary of items in the set on the Items tab.

  • Subsumed on this tab also is the Format tab, see following.

Format (left tab)

  • This tab provides customization options.

Case Study Gallery

Case Study, Tel Shimron: Using OCHRE to Create a Harris Matrix (from the OCHRE Blog)