Using the OCHRE API

By Miller Prosser, May 2020

Updated by S. Schloen, Feb 2024

API Syntax

The OCHRE API provides a mechanism for accessing a published item based on its Citation URL. Any item's Citation URL can be found (and copied) at the bottom of its View pane, or from the Right-click menu option, Copy Citation URL. 

A request of an item's Citation URL, retrieves its published XML document from the OCHRE publication server, delivers it to the client DOM, and transforms it—in full or in part—from XML to HTML.

The base address for the API call is:

To access a published item, add its UUID to the API call. This is the full persistent identifier for a single OCHRE item:

Passing arguments to the API

In accordance with standard URL syntax, arguments are appended to the citation URL with a question mark and multiple arguments are separated with an ampersand.

NOTE: the OCHRE API citation URL encodes the UUID argument as part of the URL, so there is no need to pass an argument like ?uuid=. When the citation URL redirects to the OCHRE item, notice that the UUID has been called using ?uuid=. Because this first argument is encoded in the citation URL with the question mark implied, additional arguments can also be attached simply with an ampersand as shown below. In short, both of the following links are valid:

Viewing API Output

By default, the OCHRE API will style the fetched data using its default stylesheet (an xslt) to create an HTML view. However, a developer will want to inspect and process the XML output. There are various strategies for calling and viewing an XML document delivered from the OCHRE API. 

OPTION #1 (&xsl)

Load the XML document in a web browser and suppress the style sheet

Notice the &xsl=none at the end of the API call. This will suppress the XML transformation. Note, however, that many browsers attempt to transform the XML document into HTML. When the XML document loads, the page may look like unformatted, running text. Use your browser to Inspect the page or View page source. Browsers use different terminology for these actions as well. Alternatively, provide a valid path to an alternate stylesheet using the &xsl=path-to-style-sheet option.


Open the XML document in Oxygen XML Editor or another XML editing program. In Oxygen, you can use File > Open URL... to open the API call. There is no need to suppress the style sheet in this scenario. You can simply open the persistent identifier.


Use curl and xmllint to open the document in a Terminal.

curl -L "" | xmllint --format - | less

Parameters for OCHRE Resource items (&preview, &load)

A published OCHRE Resource item can be viewed by calling the API, which will produce a styled HTML page that shows the Resource name, properties, etc. and that loads the Resource in an embedded frame on the page. However, in some instances you will want to deliver the Resource item to the client without this styled framework. For example, you may want to load an image or PDF in the client as an individual file.

To deliver a Resource to the client, use one of two parameters in conjunction with the API call.

To deliver an image preview (e.g., the thumbnail version), add the &preview parameter to the end of the API call.

To load a high-resolution image, PDF, audio file, or video file, add the &load parameter to the end of the API call.

Call the XML document:

Call the image preview:

Call the high-resolution image:

To display a PDF: 

Deliver a ZIP file through the API

For any other file type (Excel spreadsheet, Word document, Photoshop file, etc.), compress the file as a ZIP file and create a resource in OCHRE for the ZIP file. Publish the ZIP resource and use the &load parameter to deliver (download) the ZIP file through the API.

NOTE: these resource parameters deliver content to the DOM without revealing the server address or access credentials in the XML.

Creating your own request for data (&xquery)

While the Citation URL performs, in effect, an XQuery against the publication database using an item's UUID as a key for lookup. However, you can perform very powerful XQueries of your own by using the &xquery parameter.

{ Examples to follow ... }

Multi-lingual content (&lang)

The xml:lang attribute identifies the language of the <content>. The languages attribute indicates which languages are effectively supported by the contained <string>s. Here, for example, the Script type <value> has not been given an English equivalent, and so languages indicates that the provided <string> supports both Turkish and English ("tur;eng").

Projects can opt into entering content in multiple languages in OCHRE. When published, multi-lingual <content> is present in the xml, identified by the 3-character country code in the xml:lang attribute. 

By default, the OCHRE API will return content in the project's default language.

The &lang parameter filters the content based on the requested language, falling back to the default (or available) language, if the requested language is not represented. 

Use &lang="*" for all content, with no language filtering. The app developer is then free to target the needed content (e.g., using the "xml:lang" attribute).

The fine print:

Supported formats (&format)

By default, data is returned from the OCHRE API as XML.

To request JSON instead, simply add &format=json as a parameter.

Special outputs


For an OCHRE Resource item of Type = "IIIF", the manifest can be fetched using the &iiif parameter. This is always returned as JSON by default, and the value of the "manifest" key can be extracted for processing by a IIIF Viewer. 

Note that for an item whose Type is "IIIF", the URL to the IIIF manifest will be provided in the XML delivered by the API as the value of the iri attribute of the item's <identification> node as shown below. (The iriPreview attribute may provide a static thumbnail image, if available.)

Http Return Codes

The OCHRE API returns appropriate http response codes, as described below. for a variety of scenarios.

If using the Citation URL form of the API (e.g., )

If using the &xquery parameter as described above (e.g., $q in input()/ochre[....  )

If there is an error code (400, 404), or no results, the API will return an empty <result/> (xml) or {"result": []} (json).

If the &format=json option is used, there will be no message provided to the user -- it is assumed that this scenario is under application control.
