I Found an Animal

If you have found a wild animal you believe is in need of help, call (218) 616-2176 for guidance.   Some common encounters:

I found a Fawn.

I found a baby bird. 

A bird flew into my window.

I have nuisance animals.


Does commonly leave their fawn in a place they feel it will be safe while they seek food or flee predators. It is not uncommon for a fawn to be left alone for 8-10 hours. Fawns curl into a ball and remain quite still. They will not move even when approached by people. This is their defense as the doe generally flees to draw predators away from their babies. The fawn should be left alone in most all of the cases. The exceptions are if you KNOW the mother has been badly injured or killed, if the fawn is in a very unsafe location, or it is sprawled on its side, has cloudy eyes or is surrounded by flies it is in distress. In these cases the fawn needs help. Call for information on how to help. 218-616-2176

Baby Birds:

If you find a nest that has blown out of or fallen from a tree and it contains eggs or babies, try to put the nest back in the tree. If the babies have fallen from the nest, try to put them back into the nest. 

There is a difference between nestling birds and fledgling birds. Nestlings need to be in the nest as they are not ready for life outside their "home".  Fledglings are birds that have grown old enough to start exploring the world outside the nest.  They may not be able to fly yet, but they have intentionally left the nest to explore. Putting them back in the nest will likely result in them jumping back out. If they are hopping around on the ground under a tree they are exploring and learning to fly. If it is safe (free of dogs and cats) let them explore.  Mom and Dad will continue to feed them while they are in this phase of  growth. They will generally only "fledge" for a few days before they can make it to lower branches and then fly on their own. If you feel they need to be safer, gently put them up on the lower branches of a bush or tree near where you found them . They will call for Mom (and Dad) and she (he) will come feed them. If you have domestic pets (dogs or cats) restricting them from the area for just a few days will give the fledglings a chance to naturally learn to fly. 

A Bird flew into my window:

If a bird flew into your window and you can pick it up, place it into a small covered box (shoe boxes work great). Make sure there are some form of air holes in the box. Place the box into a dark, quiet, warm place where predators cannot get to it. Leave it completely undisturbed for an hour.  After an hour open the box outside and if the bird flies away great.  If it remains still, close the box and give it a bit more time (even overnight) in the warm, dark, quiet , safe place. Try to release it again. Do not try to feed it or give it water. It needs only time to recover. If there is blood or obvious injury please call us for guidance. 

I have a nuisance animal:

Call the DNR for direction. If they cannot help call us or another wildlife rehab center for suggestions.