
Repeaters & Simplex Operation

Tonight, we talked about how to reach repeaters successfully and the use of simplex calling frequencies.

The question was asked how to find a repeater if you're in an emergency situation.

  • Repeater Directory
  • repeaterbook.com app (assuming you have cell phone data service at your QTH (Location): This app will determine your location and let you know what repeaters are nearby. In a backcountry emergency situation, this might be of little use because you will likely not have cell service.
  • National Calling Frequencies: If you are in a backcountry emergency situation and have no idea what repeaters are nearby, this might be your best option. If you find a decent summit overlooking a populated area, chances are, you will be able to call up someone using the calling frequencies. Many hams have it programmed into their radios and scan it along with the local repeaters. One day on my lunch break, I turned on my mobile unit and was scanning area repeaters and 52. I picked up a ham who is from Alaska who was at Lands End Observatory looking for some info on local repeaters. He was calling out on 146.52 and I was able to tell him about several area repeaters that he is welcome to use. Sometimes you have to be patient, but chances are good that you will eventually talk to someone if calling on 52.

These options are all great in helping find repeaters. However, they will be virtually useless if you don't know how to program your radio. Take the time to look through the manual that came with your radio. You can also gather information on YouTube.

Another question asked tonight was, "What does FM mean?" Rather than try to explain it, I will refer you to the following link, which is a forum question that asks what is the difference between FM and SSB. There are several responses and they contain great explanations to answer this question!

As always, if you have any questions or suggestions for future topics, please email me at KE0HNW@arrl.net.

Thanks again for all those who participated and 73!

Terry, KE0HNW