Tryout Guidelines and Student Athletes Code Of Participation


1.) Students must attend at least one try out in order to be considered for a team. It is strongly recommended that students attend all tryouts in order to maximize the amount of time the coaches can evaluate.

2.) Only students in the specified grade levels can try out for that team.

3.) Students must have submitted a full year athletics permission form in order to tryout for a team.

4.) Coaches will evaluate students based on several factors: skill, teamwork, cooperation, game knowledge, and communication.

5.) Tryouts dates will be posted on the website and bulletin board outside the gym at least 5 school days before the first scheduled tryout. Dates are subject to gym, field, and space availability and may change.


I, _____________________________(Student Name), realize that it is a privilege to participate on athletic teams at Withrow Avenue Junior Public School. Accordingly, I agree to accept and abide by the following participation codes:

1. I will work daily, during the season of the sport, to improve my skills and be an asset to my team.

2. I understand that my participation is a season-long commitment to myself, my team and my coach; and that if I quit the team, anytime after one week of the posting/selection of the team, I will not be eligible for any other sport at Withrow for the current and following season.

3. I will conduct myself in such a manner as to bring respect to myself and my team, both at Withrow and when visiting other schools. I understand that my behaviour is a reflection upon myself, my team, my coach, and my school.

4. I will try, as far as is humanly possible, to be at every practice and competition. I understand that if I miss practice and am unexcused three times during a season, I may be dismissed from the team. If, for some very important reason I cannot attend practice or a competition, I will contact my coach at the very latest by the morning before the practice or competition.

5. I will attend all team practices and be on time for all team practices. If I am unable to attend a practice, I will let the coach know in advance if possible.

6. I realize that as a student/athlete I must maintain a good disciplinary record. Therefore, work must be completed on time and I will have no disciplinary records from my teachers or the principal.

7. I will organize my time so that my academic responsibilities do not conflict with practices or games. I understand that my team commitment does not excuse me from maintaining academic excellence and that my presence at school is required.

8. I understand that if I am unable to attend school or participate in my regularly scheduled physical education class during the school day, I will not be permitted to participate in after school games or practices.

9. I know that in the event that I am dismissed early to attend an athletic contest, I am still responsible for all class work and any homework assignments given that day.

10. I will be personally responsible for all school athletic equipment and/or uniform issued out to me and will return it in good condition or will pay for the replacement equipment/uniform. I also understand that I must return said equipment/uniform on the day appointed or will have my name forwarded to the deans for disciplinary action.

11. I understand that the coach has the sole responsibility to decide the makeup of the team and who will play in a game, match, or contest.

12. I understand that any unsportsmanlike conduct or other violation of this code may result in disciplinary action, not only by the coach, but also by the Principal and possibly TDESAA, in the form of possible suspension or dismissal from the sport. Any Withrow athlete ejected or removed from a game will be benched from participating in the next scheduled game or tournament.

13. I will compete/participate in a spirit of fair play and honesty, compete/participate within the rules of the sport, address fellow athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, event organizers, and spectators in a courteous and respectful manner, and ensure the safety of others when taking part in the sport/activity.