Submission Guidelines

MAVR Journal and Newsletter Submission Guidelines

The MAVR Newsletter follows the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th Edition. Consult recent copies of MAVR Newsletter for examples of documentation and references at: 

Share Your MAVR Story!

Preparation of Manuscript

Journal Manuscripts can be related to immersive learning and language education, between 1000 and 3000 words, and follow the APA Guidelines (7th edition).

Newsletter Manuscripts should be of relevance to MAVR in language education, up to 700 words, and follow APA Guidelines (7th edition). 

Please keep figures and tables as simple as possible and write captions for them. The figures should be clear with high resolution. 

Author(s) is(are) responsible for obtaining permission to publish any figures, tables, or graphics that are protected by copyright. 

Please do not hyperlink URL addresses, instead put the links in parentheses. 

Submission of Manuscript

For MAVR Journal Submissions:  Please accomplish this online form
For Newsletter Submissions: Please accomplish this online form
For Presentation Proposals: Please accomplish this online form

Publication Ethics

Authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others or from their own previously published and unpublished work, that this has been appropriately cited or quoted. 

Submissions submitted to MAVR Newsletter must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

JALT Publications Writer's Peer Support Group

The JALT Publications Writer’s Peer Support Group provides free advice to all interested authors.

We look forward to receiving your submissions :)

MAVR Podcast Submission Guidelines

Podcasts should be related to MAVR subjects. Any length is OK and if the audio format is MP3 or WAV, that's the easiest. Here you can find MAVR podcast episodes: 

Please contact Josh Brunotte at if you are interested and he can give you access to the Drive folder where you can upload your sound file. 

We look forward to receiving your podcasts :)