
Benefits of a Mobile Massage

Getting a massage can feel like a luxury, when in reality, it is something that many of us can benefit from having more regularly. Helping to ease tense muscles, improve circulation and support the body's natural healing abilities, massage is known for promoting relaxation and easing pain.

For those of you sitting at a desk for hours on end for work, massage can counteract some of the damage being caused. Something that can put people off when it comes to booking a massage is visiting a clinic/spa/shop. It may not be convenient or even accessible for some, so the alternative is a Mobile Massage.

Here are some of the benefits of using my Mobile Massage Service.

There are many reasons why attending a clinic/spa/shop to get a massage may not be convenient for you. Perhaps you don't drive, can't find a local clinic/spa/shop right for you, or simply don't have the time to travel.

With my mobile massage, this complication is removed. I will come to you at a pre-arranged time-slot, negating any need to travel. This may make it easier to slot into your schedule.

This will depend on your personal preferences, however, some people find the relaxing effects of relaxation don't last as long as they'd like when visiting a clinic/spa/shop. This may be because they then need to travel home.

With my mobile massage, you have the option of simply slipping into your pyjamas after your massage and totally switching off. Some people also find it stressful interacting with several people ( a receptionist, people in the waiting area etc.) and may feel more relaxed just being alone with the therapist.

As well as being more convenient for some people, my mobile massage is more accessible too. Those with a disability, chronic illness and older people may struggle to travel easily, and therefore may find it easier to have an at-home massage.

As you will be in your own environment, you can also ensure you have anything you need to help you feel as comfortable as possible.

Some people may enjoy the extra layer of privacy of my at-home massage. The environment will be quiet and it'll just be you and the therapist (me) in the building, which may help you feel more comfortable.

I will bring along any equipment I need, however as you are having the treatment at home, you have the chance to customise the experience even more. Perhaps you have a particular playlist you'd like to listen to, or a certain scent that always relaxes you, or like the room temperature at a certain level.

You will be in total charge of your environment and comfort.

To prepare for your Mobile Massage, ensure you have a room with space for a massage table and make it as relaxing as you'd like. This may mean dimming the lights, having a lovely scent in the room and perhaps, as discussed, playing your favourite music.

Try not to plan anything strenuous after your massage, ideally, you'll be able to switch off and relax in the comfort of your own home following the massage. Drinking plenty of water after your massage is also advised, so staying hydrated is a must to help your body detox and repair itself.

Hope you found this helpful !

If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to message me on 07341015271 or email me at -
