My Location ?

As you may have gathered by now, I am a mobile massage therapist, so I only operate an outcall/in-home/doorstep service where I come to your home/hotel room.

I  reside in Plaistow, East London,  and Tottenham, North London. Which I use as starting points to determine any travel charges, if they apply!

My Gender ?

I am a Male massage therapist. I massage Women  Aged 18yrs +

My pictures and name depict this and I have never sought to hide this fact.

Areas I Cover ?

London postcode Areas. However, I can with sufficient notice, travel out further around. I do occasionally travel to clients out of London, (with a travel charge included) as I have done in the past, but only after taking a refundable deposit via Bank Transfer.

My Work Hours ?

My working hours are Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday - midday till 9pm.  And Saturdays from 6pm till 9pm - With 8pm usually my last appointment time for the day!

What should Customers wear ?

 Undress down to your own comfort level.  

If you do choose to be fully naked  you will  be draped  anyway to keep your muscles warm and protect your modesty. 

If you do choose to be partially clothed (underwear), please ensure  you wear are items of clothing that you do not mind getting oil on, so preferably something old and comfortable. 

If an item of clothing needs to be adjusted or removed, I will always ask for permission first, before adjusting or removing any clothing. It is perfectly OK to say NO,  I will just work over or around it.

If this will be your first massage and you have any concerns, then it will be best to discuss this with me, prior to the massage beginning. 

( Please Note - Professional Massage Therapist Are NOT in the slightest concerned with what your wear as long as it does not interfere with the massage itself )

What should Customers provide ?

Well, to begin with I will need space for my massage table. It is approximately 2m by 1m and I will need about 50cm of space all round for me to move around the table. 

Hotel Bookings

I do NOT massage on the bed, as this is potentially damaging to us both due to the pressure needed to adequately perform the massage. 

To confirm a booking I will need a picture of the "Fire Evacuation Route" on the back of your room door, once you have booked in. ( The reason is that on occasions I get challenged by reception staff upon arrival  and need proof that I am visiting an actual guest of the hotel. )

Home Bookings

In addition to my massage table, I will bring 2 towels or sheets to drape you during the massage, and a covering for the massage table. 

You will be in charge of your own environment - Temperature, scent, lighting and music. I also allow 1 other person to be in the room if you prefer.

You can provide your own towels if you prefer, but they will need to be approximately 1.5m x 1.75m in order to properly protect your modesty and keep your muscles warm throughout the massage.

You should provide your own music, as long as it is relaxing to yourself. I do not bring music with me.

What Massages do I do ?

The massage styles I use are Swedish and Deep Tissue. The main differences between the styles are the length of the strokes and the depth of pressure used. All my massage sessions are holistic -  They are therapeutic for your mind, body and emotions - all connected as one. 

I also offer a softer pressure Relaxing massage using the fore mentioned styles - best to enquire !

Each body is different, so a crossover/ variance  of styles and pressure may be needed to obtain the customer's  objective. 

I may have developed additional skills and have more options since publishing this, so best to enquire by text or WhatsApp ( 07341015271 ) if not currently listed on this site !

I am an introvert !