
SchooLinks is a modern, student-centric college and career planning platform that helps CPS students in grades 6-12 and families to align personal interests and aspirations with preparation for life beyond high school.

College Search

There are over 4,000 colleges and universities across the do you narrow it down and find the right fit? What do you want to major it? Where are Lane students applying and attending?

College Events

One of the best ways to learn more about a college and determine if it is the "best fit" is to attend an official college visit, participate in a college tour, or speak with a college admission/alum representative! 

College Entrance Exams

College entrance exams are standardized aptitude tests used to evaluate students for college admissions purposes. 

IEP/504 Resources

Colleges may offer a range of services to support students with an IEP or 504 plan. 

NCAA/NAIA Eligibility

Considering playing a sport at the college level? Not sure where to start?

Dreamer's Resources

Undocumented? Have no fear, college is possible!