Our Goal

Our research programs are centered on designing novel materials for various electrocatalytic reactions in energy conversion, electrosynthesis, and energy storage devices. 

(1) With the energy crisis and global warming fast dawning upon us, there is a need for clean, renewable energy sources. Our research interest lies in developing the “Single Atom Catalysts (SACs)”-installed fuel cells with unprecedented atomic efficiency. Both experimental and computational tools are utilized to explore how SACs alter the reaction pathways and their reactivity. 

(2) We are developing electrocatalytic technology to synthesize chemical fuels and feedstocks using discharged CO2, renewable electricity, and water. We perform fundamental studies of catalyst materials and integrate them into complete electrolyzer systems, including the engineering of catalysts, gas diffusion layers, and membrane electrode assemblies.

(3) We are developing high-energy-density and safe rechargeable batteries focusing on an electrode, electrolyte, and its interface. Through our unique operando spectroscopic technique, we are developing a strategy for optimizing the electrolyte/electrode interface via the electrode and/or electrolyte design. 

We will continue to explore unknown functions and properties of electrode and electrolyte materials and develop new technologies that solve energy and environmental issues.






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