

XRD: X-ray Diffraction (XRD) system with 2D detector / RIGAKU SmartLab XE with HyPix-3000

Raman: Confocal Raman microscope (532nm and 785nm laser) / Renishaw inVia Qontor

DEMS: Electrochemical mass spectrometry system / LIQUIDLOOP GmbH


FTIR: Infrared spectrometer with MCT detector (with SEIRAS and DRIFT apparatus) / Thermo-Fisher Scientific iS50

FTIR: Infrared spectrometer with MCT detector (with temperature-controlled SEIRAS apparatus) / Thermo-Fisher Scientific iS50

UV-Vis: UV-Vis spectrophotometers / Thermo-Fisher Scientific Evolution Pro


Catalyst Analyzer: TBA

ICP-OES: Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry  (with Auto-sampler) / Thermo-Fisher Scientific iCAP PRO XP

IC: Ion Chromatograph system (with Auto-sampler) / Thermo-Fisher Scientific Dionex Integrion HPIC System

Micro-GC: Micro-Gas Chromatography system with µ-TCD detector (with 4ch Auto-sampler) / Agilent 990 Dual Channel

GC: Gas Chromatography system with BID detector (with Auto-sampler) / Shimadzu Nexis GC-2030 with AOC-20i

GC: Gas Chromatography system with TCD detector (with Auto-sampler) / GL Sciences GC3210

EQCM: Quartz Crystal Microbalance / Seiko EG&G QCM922A

Electrochemical Evaluation

Performance Evaluator: Electrolysis & Fuel Cell evaluation system / Horiba Evaluator series

Potentiostat: Biologic VSP-300 (1/6ch)

Potentiostat: Biologic VSP-3e (5/8ch)*2

Potentiostat: Biologic SP-150 with 5A Booster

Potentiostat: Biologic SP-50e *3

Potentiostat: Biologic SP-50 with EIS capability*2

Potentiostat: Hokuto-denko HZ-Pro (2 EIS boards)

Potentiostat: Hokuto-denko HZ-7000 *5

Potentiostat: Hokuto-denko HSV-110 *2

RDE: Rotating disk electrode system / Hokuto-denko HR-500 *3

Material Synthesis

Glovebox: Glovebox / MBraun UNIlab Pro SP(1500/780)

Sputtering: Tabletop Sputter Coater / VACCOAT DST-170

Arc-Plasma/Sputtering: Nano-particle deposition system (2 Arc-plasma guns + 1 RF sputter cathode + QCM) / Advance Riko APD-1S

Electrospinning: Nanofiber electrospinning system / MECC NANON-03

Mist Coater: Electrostatic Fine-particle Coating System / Hamamatsu nanotechnology PDS-D series