Ayala bar

Combining beads and soft tassels with jagged surfaces; matte textures with shiny metals. For me, the possibilities are boundless and anything can trigger creative impulse.

At the very beginning, jewellery was simply a means of earning a living. Back in the 1980s when I first started, most jewellery tended to be made of precious metals such as gold and silver as well as modelling clays, which was popular at the time. Being an outsider, I actually had an advantage. My designs were different. Unexpected. They incorporated materials that were unconventional: metals with fabrics, beads, plaster, wood and different findings. I was actually selling miniature artefacts. The initial collections had mosaic-like qualities to them, virtually reminiscent of the ancient Byzantine era. Through time, my design aesthetics have increasingly reflected influences in the fashion world and seasonal colour changes.

Alpaca Metal - Fabrics - Crystal - Beads

Different designs available in store.