

In December of 2021, the executive team met to discuss the padlet suggestions and results from Fall 2021 plenary. The ideas were narrowed down to the 5 breakroom topics below. We would like clear guidance from the body of goals for Spring 2022. During the plenary please visit all 5 breakout rooms to discuss how the topic might be integrated into the work of the Academic Senate. Please keep the following in mind when planning.

  1. Who would be the responsible party?

  2. What might be a reasonable timeline?

  3. When would we expect updates and how might the updates be delivered?

  4. What would be the deliverables or desired outcomes?

  5. How can we measure success?

Breakout Rooms

Training and On-Boarding

Addressing Caps

Assessing Committees

In-Service Vs Flex

Universal Design

Detailed Review Subcommittee

Padlet Board