Criminal background check Arizona

Criminal background check Arizona

The basics of a background check initially are somewhat uncomplicated. A background check is a report on a persons police arrest, civil, professional, academic, and sometimes financial history.

Many reasons exist why a company or even an individual should be interested in background checks. To start with is security for the business or a home, clients, and its employees. Second would be to make certain that individual may be honest in their disclosures and validate good character of the possibilities prospect.

Inside a perfect environment every person can trust one another. Sadly, this just isnt so. A lack of background records searches, and even poorly completed checks, can lead to possible law-breaking, personal injury, or monetary loss within the business or even a home.

The Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) serves as the central repository for various types of records. Please select the type of DPS records you are requesting below for additional information:

The Arizona Department of Public Safety offers a wide variety of services to the public. These services include, but are not limited to, information services, permitting services and licensing services. The different services are listed below. Click on the links to find additional information.

Under Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) Policy 6-709 and University of Arizona Classified Staff Policy 103.1/UHAP policy 2.23, the University of Arizona conducts Pre-Employment Screening, including a criminal records check and driver’s license record review, on all “finalists” for paid positions and on other individuals who perform security or safety-sensitive duties or responsibilities on behalf of the University or who are otherwise engaged by University departments and units that are required by policy to conduct fingerprint-based criminal records checks.

Prior to taking a job offer, you should conduct a reference check on a selected applicant. Reference checking allows you to speak with previous supervisors to discuss performance related to the position for which the applicant is being considered. For more information, visit the Reference checks webpage.

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