Let us get you on the path to thriving! 

We specialize in the treatment of ADHD and other common mental health conditions. 

We offer comprehensive and individualized treatment plans for individuals of all ages struggling with ADHD and other mental health conditions (i.e. depression, anxiety, mood swings, ODD, OCD). We primarily provide medication management, counseling recommendations, and other barriers of untreated mental health conditions.  

Untreated ADHD can impact all areas of function. It can lead to feelings of loss of control, feeling overwhelmed, and feeling disconnected.  These symptoms can begin to make individuals feel that they are just surviving. 

Life is more than just surviving. 

Schedule an appointment today to get started on the path to thrivinG!


There are multiple types of ADHD: inattentive subtype, hyperactive/impulsive subtype, and combined types. 

ADHD can occur in all ages and can become more impairing with age due to increasing responsibilities and decreased external supports.  ADHD that is primarily inattention, without obvious hyperactivity, can go undiagnosed until adulthood and can significantly impact daily life and mental health while left untreated. These individuals can be misdiagnosed as having primary depression and anxiety without recognition for ADHD to be a barrier to recovery or a cause of their core symptoms.     


Our treatments target the daily barriers of untreated ADHD to help individuals regain a sense of control, 

achieve their personal goals, and thrive.


Contact info@thrivingmindsadhd.com to get more information.