Program Overview

Our overall goal is to promote scientific literacy (defined in The Ontario Curriculum, 2008 as “The possession of the scientific knowledge, skills, and habits of mind required to thrive in the science-based world of the twenty-first century.”), to help students understand the practical applications of science, and to develop critical thinking skills. As we navigate living through a pandemic, these skills have become even more important.

Throughout our program, students are held to high standards and are encouraged to develop their potential. 

All our courses include hands-on work such as laboratory investigations, dissections, and using tools such as data-probes and computer simulations. We find such approaches to be successful in allowing students to enjoy science, which in turn increases their interest and curiosity.


Grade 9 – SNC1W1/P

Grade 10 – SNC2D1/P

Biology – SBI4U1, SBI3U1, SBI3C

Biotechnology – IDC4U1

Chemistry – SCH4U, SCH3U

Physics – SPH4U, SPH3U

NOTE: 'P' designates courses that are part of our specialized program.


Sabrina Aziz, Assistant Curriculum Leader, Biology & Grades 9, 10 Science

Dr. Julie Wasylnka, Assistant Curriculum Leader, Chemistry & Physics

Derrick Cuff, Physics & Grade 9, 10 Science

Jenny Daya, Chemistry & Grade 9, 10 Science

Richard Kingsley, Chemistry & Grade 9, 10 Science

Gordon Lemon, Biology, Grade 9 Science

Colin Rhoden, Chemistry, Physics, & Grade 9, 10 Science

Mahesh Samji, Grade 9, 10 Science

Cameron Streeter, Biology & Grade 9, 10 Science

Anh-Thi Tang, Biology and Grade 9 Science


Our science program is complemented with class excursions to learning facilities such as the Ontario Science Centre, the Metro Toronto Zoo, and the Royal Ontario Museum. As well, we are often invited to special exhibits and lectures that offer enrichment to our students. An example of this is the annual invitation for our grade 12 biology students to attend the Gairdner lectures at York University. Last year, students were able to listen to Dr. Katalin Kariko speak about her life's journey and research. Dr. Kariko was just awarded the 2023 Nobel Price in Medicine! 

We participate in the following academic competitions:

University of Toronto Biology Competition (in 2018, our student Anujan Ravichandran scored in the 85.6 percentile; in 2019, our student Param Patel scored in the 95th percentile)

University of Waterloo Chemistry Competition - May 9 and 16th, 2024

University of Waterloo Physics Competition - Spring 2024