Robotics & Structural Engineering

Wahanga Tuarua: Rotation One

Rise Build Instructions

Click to get a digital copy of the build instructions.

Week One - Tallest Tower

Your challenge is to build the tallest tower that can withstand an earthquake!

Track your progress in your tech book.

Wahanga Tuatahi: Rotation One

Week One - Build and Test Clawbot IQ.

Warm-up - Matching Exercise

  • Get to know your robot kit and the contents within it. Objects will be called out. Use your poster chart to help you locate the items that are identified.

Build your Bot

  • Follow the assembly instructions of your booklet to build your robot.

  • Complete and test the 'Drive Base'.

  • Follow assembly instructions to build your claw, tower, and object holder.

  • Add notes to your 'First Robot Idea Book Page' (see links below).

This week you will build and test your first VEX IQ Robot. You will follow assembly instructions provided in your kit, and use the 'Your First Robot Build Rubric' for evaluation. Idea Book Pages for each part of your build will be used to help you document your process and test your finished robot.

Wiki Tuawaru - Torque & Speed

Review your progress from last week and work toward finishing your robot build if you were unable to complete last week.

  1. "THINK" - Ideas: Are there any adjustments that you want to make to your Clawbot robot to improve and/or meet the requirements of the 'Squared Away' Challenge?

  2. "DO" - Make a list of all the steps that will be required to meet the demands of "THINK" stage.

  3. "TEST" - Practice with resources (ask teacher) whether your changes have improved your robot design. Record all observations.

Explore how the mechanical advantages of torque and speed are related to gear ratios.


Once your build is completed, answer these questions in your booklet:
  1. The build uses two types of gears in its design. How many teeth are on each type of gear and what are these gears called?
  2. The VEX Super Kit also includes a 60 Tooth Gear. Why do you think it was not used in the build?
  3. How does the M.A.D. Box work? Explain with details.


Torque or Speed?

Understand the core concepts and how to apply them to different situations.

Key Vocabulary:

Speed, Torque, Driven Gear (Output), Driving Gear (Input), Gear Ratio, Compound Gear Ratio, mechanical advantage,

Wiki Tuawaru - Gear Grabber


Once your build is completed, answer these questions in your book.

  • What does the grabber do? Explain with detail.

  • How might the grabber be used? Draw with detail.

  • Does the Grabber have a mechanical advantage(s)? If so, how?

  • Explain this build using engineering terminology to someone who hasn't seen it using the key vocabulary below.

Key Vocabulary:

Linkage, Force, Motion, Scissor Lift, beams, connectors, levers, fulcrums, pivot points, and simple machines.

"Rise Above" Robot Challenge.

You will compete in team work challenge matches.

You will compete in driving skills challenge matches.

If time permits, you will have time to play programming skills challenges - autonomous robot skills.

Wiki Tekau-Autopilot Robot.


  • Students will explore robot behaviors and create code to drive the Autopilot robot forward and in reverse

Key Concepts

  • Robot Behaviors

  • How to create, download and run a project

  • Programming forward movement

  • Programming backwards movement

  • How to save a project


  • Build an Autopilot robot and configure the Smart sensors.

  • Identify programming behaviors.

  • Program the Autopilot to drive forward and in reverse.

  • Explore drive train programming blocks and test student created programs.

Week Five - Automation: VexCodeIQ

Getting Started

Device Set-up Drive Train

Device Set-up Motors

Device Set-up Sensors

Using example projects

Downloading & Running Projects

Drivetrain Movement Tutorial

Using Loops

Opening the Claw

Moving the arm

Design Process.

  1. Think about a problem or generate an idea. Don't forget to write it down and/or draw it. Sometimes the problem or idea is given to you, but sometimes you come up with the problem or idea on your own.

  2. This is where you take action and "do" something to solve the problem or try to improve your idea. In our lessons, this is where you will build your potential solution.

  3. Test what you did in Step 2. If you think the problem is not fully solved, then you have something more to think about. This means you write down or draw your next problem you see and repeat the cycle.