Booking an interpreter and translation

Use of Interpreters

All parents/carers with EAL have the right to the services of an interpreter. Interpreters booked through ASN Outreach Service are funded centrally by Stirling Council rather than from establishment budgets. While many bilingual parents and carers may have good social English skills, the complex vocabulary used in formal education meetings (e.g. enrolment and staged intervention) can lead to confusion. Using interpreters can also give schools important information to plan the next steps in a bilingual child’s learning via parents or by assessing the child’s skill in their first language(s).

Meetings requiring interpreter services should be planned well in advance as it may take some time to arrange the service. Interpreters can be booked through ASN Outreach by completing the request form (see below) and emailing to Establishments can also request that the interpreter telephones the parent/carer to confirm the meeting.

Some parents/carers are happy to use friends or family members as interpreters during meetings but, if the meeting is important and perhaps dealing with confidential or sensitive issues, it is advisable to use an impartial, trained interpreter who will be fluent in both required languages. It is not appropriate for the pupils themselves or a sibling to be used as an interpreter in meetings.

Interpreter Request Form

Interpreter Request Form 2015.doc

Translation of Documents

The authority does not normally recommend the professional translation of documents (e.g. reports and school brochures) for families as there is not always a direct translation of terms and comments. It is normally more effective to use an interpreter to discuss the particular subject or issue as schools can check if the parents understand the context and allows families to ask questions and take their own notes in their preferred language. It may be possible to combine this with a Staged Intervention meeting where an interpreter may be in attendance. See previous section for details of how to request an interpreter.

Schools wishing documents to be translated should contact ASN Outreach Service for advice.

As an alternative to translating school brochures, a very good Welcome Booklet is available from which can be customised for each school and translated into several languages.

The website provides basic, commonly used letters in an extensive range of languages. These letters cover the following topics:

  • Welcome Letter

  • School Details

  • Accident/Illness

  • Holiday/Closure

  • Trips/Visits

  • Progress

  • Unhappy Pupil

  • Head Lice

  • Assemblies

  • Detention

  • Absence

  • School Attendance Information

  • Admission.