Newsletter 8 - Page Four


We caught up with Miss Mackenzie for an update on Year Three's recent trip to Bushy Park and their wonderful Sustainable Cities project ...

Bushy Park

Our first trip in Year Three went marvellously and we were so proud of the children. It was a damp morning to start off with but the sun soon came out for us. We went to Bushy Park to learn essential geography fieldwork skills, and then put them to the test! The children learned how to read and use compasses and then used them to navigate in their small groups. We also looked at a range of different maps and discovered when you would use them and why. Then it came to reading co-ordinates and putting our new knowledge to the test to find different landmarks in the park. We also carried out a survey on who was using the park, and why. All in all, a wonderful day full of learning!

Sustainable Cities

Over last half term, Year Three learned all about different settlements with our global citizenship focus being 'How can we make our cities more sustainable?' We asked the children to design their very own sustainable city for this, using their new knowledge of city features, population growth and land use to guide them. We were blown away by their creations and creativity! We definitely have some sustainability heroes amongst us with cities having solar panels, urban farms and wind turbines.